20 - Free Elf

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"Mister Malfoy!" You shout, running down the open aired halls as Lucius approaches an open doorway to the outside. "Mister Malfoy!" He stops, turning on his heel as he glares at you.

"I believe this is yours." You say, holding out the journal to the elder man. He scoffs, rolling his eyes.

"Mine? What ever are you talking about?" You smile evilly, explaining to him.

"Oh, I think you do, sir. I think you slipped the diary into Ginny Weasley's cauldron, that day at Diagon Alley." He rips it from your grasp, then throws it at Dobby. The elf catches it, and you grin from ear to ear.

"You do, do you? Please try to prove it. Come, Dobby." Dobby stares up at you as Lucius struts away, his velvet coat flowing behind him as he steps.

"Open it." You whisper to the house elf, who complies. You watch as his wrinkly ears point upwards, his innocent lime eyes widening. In the pages of the book lies your black sock, but Malfoy had handed it to Dobby unknowingly.

"Dobby?" Lucius asks, turning to his servant. He sees the elf holding up your footwear, and the color drains from his already pale fave. The mischevious glint in his eye vanishes as he watches on.

"Master has given Dobby a sock!"

"No! I didnt give....." You pull up your pant legs, revealing one foot covered and one showing your (s/c) leg.

"Master has presented Dobby with clothes! Dobby is free!" You breathlessly laugh at the small man, then back to Lucius as he storms towards you, drawing his wand.

"You! Youve lost me my servant!" Lucius points his wand at you, speaking as Dobby steps in front of you.


"You shall not harm (Y/N) (L/N)!" A spark of blue light flies from Dobbys fingers, blasting Lucius to the ground. He....he was going to cast Avada Kedavra! He was going to kill you! Dobby nods proudly, crossing his arms as Malfoy stands.

"Your parents were meddlesome fools, too. You mark my words, (L/N), one day soon you are going to meet the same sticky end!" With that, he storms away, leaving Hogwarts in a blazing fury. Yeah, Dracos never going to be allowed to speak with you again, is he?

"(Y/N) (L/N) freed Dobby! How can Dobby ever repay her?" You smile down at the elf, who is grinning at you as well.

"Do me a favor."

"Anything, ma'am!"

"Never try to save me or my brothers life again." You share a beam with the free elf, who nods appreciably.

*Time Skip*

The next day, you sit with Harry and Ron as you eat dinner. You hear many people greeting an unpetrified Sir Nicholas as he floats into the great hall. You turn your head, seeing a curly haired girl in her Hogwarts robes standing in the doorway.

"Hermione!" You shout, standing from the table as the girl runs at you. She wraps you in a hug, holding you close as Ron and Harry stand. You feel a pair of jealous eyes aimed at her from the Slytherin side, but you don't bother looking as Hermione hugs Harry. She then goes to Ron, but hesitates.

"Its uh....good to have you back, Hermione." Ron says, nodding at the grinning female. You sigh dramatically, putting a hand over your heart.

"Ah, young love." This gets you nothing but a smack on the head from Weasley as you go to sit down. Dumbledore calls for attention, and the hall goes quiet.

"Before we begin the feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout and Madame Pomfrey, whose Mandrake juice has been so successfully administered to all who had been Petrified. Also, in light of the recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been canceled." Everyone cheers, but you hear Hermione sigh in disappointment. You giggle, shaking your head at the nerdy girl.

Then the hall goes quiet.

People strain their necks, looking to the entry way. The silhouette of a large man stands there, his bushy hair covering dirty brown robes. He steps into the light of the great hall, and you cant help the burning tears of joy streaking down your cheeks.

"Sorry I'm late! The owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused. Some ruddy bird called Errol." Hagrid says, to which Rons face contorts. Ah, Errol. The owl of the Weasleys. The large man strolls to a stop next to your group of four.

"And I'd just like to say that if it hadn't been for you, (Y/N), Harry, Ron, and Hermione, o' course, I woulduh- I'd still be you-know-where, so I- I'd just like to say 'Thanks.'" you stand, your starry cape draping behind you as you smile up at him.

"It wouldnt be Hogwarts without you, Hagrid." He shakes his head, and you dive on him. He wraps you in his arms, hugging you but lifting you off the floor. The once silent room errupts in cheers as people crowd Hagrid, who sets you down to hug the others. You look over to the Slytherin table, seeing Draco pouting. You shake your head, pushing through the crowd and making it to Malfoy. You tap his shoulder, and he jumps.

"Hello, Draco."

"(Y/N)!" He exclaims, having not spoken to you since you escaped the chamber. You grin at him, and once he sees no one is watching he wraps you in his arms.

"Thanks for not dieing down there. I mean, I would expect it from an idiot like you." He says, pulling back. You shrug, brushing back your hair.

"It was easy." He rolls his crystal eyes, and you giggle. "Im sure you would've saved my life, Malfoy."

"Well I know I would have found a way out before you." He says, proud as always. You begin to laugh, but rub your neck as you remember his father.

"So, uh, I didn't tell you this but....your father and I met. You dont have a house elf anymore, and Lucius may have tried to kill me."

"WHAT?" Draco yells, eyes widening. You shake your head, putting your hands on his shoudlers.

"No, no! Its fine! Its just....we may not be able to write letters this summer." His chest sinks, and you purse your lips.

"Well then we better make our last day count."

You look up, about to say something before a soft pressure meets your lips. Though the kiss is swift, you have plenty of time to melt into his cool lips. He pulls back, hiding his face as he hugs you.

"See you next year, Dratheum."


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