11 - Duel!

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In duelling club, you watch eagerly from beside a long platform. The top of the wood is decorated with an elegant blue pattern, rather like your cloak as the stars decorate it. The many phases of the moon appear on the platform, and a cocky Proffesor Lockhart struts up and down the platform in his uniform. A single glove is on his right hand, where he holds his wand. On his left shoulder rests a cloak, only covering half his body.

"Gather ‘round, gather ‘round! Can everybody see me? Can you all hear me? Excellent! In light of the dark events of recent weeks, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little Dueling Club to train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourselves, as I myself have done on countless occasions- for full details, see my published works." You scoff at this, especially when Gilderoy throws his cloak into the crowd and a group of squealing girls catch it. The giddly smile, and soon enough Snape walks onto the other side of the long platform.

"Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape. He has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration. Now, I don’t want any of you youngsters to worry- you’ll still have your Potions master when I’m through with him, never fear." The teachers walk down to opposite sides of the raised surface, students watching carefully from the same height as their feet. As the reach the ends, Gilderoy counts to three.


At Serverus' spell, a swirl of magic blows Lockhart to the platforms edge, and he tumbles around. You snicker, watching as he brushes himself off.

"An excellent idea to show them that, Professor Snape, but if you don’t mind me saying, it was pretty obvious- ah- what you were about to do. And if I had wanted to stop you, it would have been only too easy."

"Then why didnt you?" You murmur, tilting your head. Of course, you could simply use your cape to block any physical attacks, but the cloak doesnt block spells. Well, you can only ask for so much, and you'll be safe if a muggle attacks!

"Perhaps it would be prudent to first teach the students to block unfriendly spells, Professor." Snape says, grinning slyly at Lockhart. The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher nods, scanning the crowd.

"Well, we need a volunteer pair! Hmm....(L/N), Weasley, how about you?" You look to the worried Ron at your side, then up at Gilderoy. Before you can protest, your least favorite teacher offers a suggestion.

"Weasley’s wand causes devastation with the simplest spells. We’ll be sending (L/N) to the hospital wing in a matchbox. Might I suggest someone from my own house? Malfoy, perhaps?" Your eyes go wide, but Lockhart pulls you onto the platform anyways. You walk up, face to face with Malfoy.

'I'm sorry' He mouths, to which you nod. If too many people found out you were friends, it would get to his father. Especially if Snape found out, you think that could end terribly.

'Me Too' You say, knowing you would fight each other as if you are worst enemies. You put on your poker face, staring down Malfoy.

"Wands at the ready!" You both rais your wands to the center of your faces, your own white one contrasting his dark brown wand.

"Scared, Dratheum?" He spits with false hatred.

"You wish."

With that, you both walk towards your teachers, youraelf finding your spot next to Lockhart. You turn and face each other, a span of about ten feet between you. You get in your stance, raising your wand arm out in front of you and other arm high above your head in an exagerated stance. Malfoy does the same, and Gilderoy counts.

"On the count of three! One....Two..."

"Everte Statium!" A blue light comes from Dracos wand, spiraling to you and hitting your chest. You sumersault backwards in the air, landing hard on your side. The Slytherins laugh, and you stand quickly pointing your spiral wand at your friend.


Your own spell charges at Malfoy, knocking him to his rear in front of Snape. Now, the Gryffindors laugh as Serverus pulls Malfoy to his feet by his cloak collar.

"Disarm only! We don't want any accidents!"

"Serpensortia!" Draco shouts, ignoring Lockharts warning. A lime serpent appears in the middle of the platform, its beady eyes searching the room. Snape sighs, walking to the reptile.

"Dont worry, (L/N). Ill get rid of it for you."

"Please, allow me Proffesor."

You take a step back as Lockhart struts forward, pointing his wand at the animal and shouting.

"Alarte ascendare!" The slimy creature flies into the air, hissing as it falls onto the platform once more. You look at Lockhart, shaking your head.

"What was that supposed to accomplish. Did you think it would stick to the ceiling?" The strawberry blonde frowns at you, but quickly turns his attention to the speaking nearby.

"Sya- hassa- she. Sya- hasi....." Harry says, looking to the snake as it slithers towards Justin Finch-Fletchy. You notice he seems to be making no progress, and quickly intervene.

"Sya- hasi- heth. Sya- Hassa....." The snake turns its head, its black pupils staring into your soul. It calms at your words, and for some reason everyone looks at you and Harry strangly.

"Vipera evenesca!" Snape exclaims, fire enveloping the creature. The room goes completely quiet, and everyone stares at you like you're insane.

"What are you two playing at?" Justin asks, looking between you and your brother. You glance at him, then to a shocked Draco.

What did you do?

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