The Wine Cellar

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It had been well over 3 weeks since Mo Yuans return and visitors will still streaming into Kunlun Mountain

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It had been well over 3 weeks since Mo Yuans return and visitors will still streaming into Kunlun Mountain.

"In all the thousands of years that Shifu was alive, rarely anyone came to visit him just for the sake of a visit." Chang Shan complained as he took a seat beside Zi Lan and Die Feng.

"Mmm..." agreed Cheng Bao who was sitting opposite beside Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen.  The only time they used to visit was when they wanted something of Shifu." he groaned.

They were all exhausted, but none really complained, because Mo Yuan deserved the accolades and reverence that his return brought with him.  And if that meant serving tea, baking snacks, preparing the Hall each day and cleaning up the mess each evening on top of their own chores, then so be it.   But they were all looking forward to the day when he went into meditation, which according to Zhe Yan would happen within the next two weeks at least.

"How long will his meditation take High God Zhe Yan?" Zi Lan asked looking up at the man who also rarely visited in the past, yet had not left Kunlun Mountain since Shifus return.

"Mo Yuans soul scattered along with every ounce of his cultivation save only enough to patch his soul together.  It was why it took so long but with a good ten to twenty years of uninterrupted solitude, he should have enough to live out the rest of his days.  However I would prefer he give a minimum of one hundred years in order to get back a much more respectable amount." he replied before lowering his head tiredly.

He too was just as exhausted.   He had gained little sleep himself, hence why he wanted to rush Mo Yuan into his meditation cave as quickly as possible.  Kunlun Mountains divine energy was powerful and invigorating, but it wasn't home, he thought to himself.

Listening to them, Mo Yuan kept his eyes on the entrance.  it was still mid morning, and most of the early guests were outside enjoying the fresh mountain air and Kunlun tea, but like Zhe Yan, he too was exhausted.  He knew if he didn't call an end to the visits, Zhe Yan eventually would,  and sitting on his platform listening to his Disciples discussing his needs in front of him, was also becoming tiring.

"That reminds me....." Zi Lan said leaning forward.  "When is Seventeenths wedding High God Zhe Yan?  I understand she and The Crown Prince are engaged and have been for some time.  Now that Shifu is back, can we expect another celebration to look forward to?" he asked smiling at him.

Slowly Zhe Yans eyes dragged to the side.  That man on the dais may have not have shown an ounce of emotion, but the small quiver of his hand against his cup gave away his true state of mind.  

Sucking the air in between his teeth, a smile formed as mischief grew.  "Well now.  It's hard to say.  Ye Hua is in the Mortal Realm on trial.  And seeing as that little miss has barely shown her face in the last three weeks, it is more than possible she is pining away at the back of the mountain and hasn't gotten around to arranging a date yet." he said which was followed by the sound of a cup being thumped down on a side table behind them.

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