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The dimming sun barely made an impact through the cobwebs that lay scattered among the dust that was now rising into the damp air as he watched her fall from the high beam above his head

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The dimming sun barely made an impact through the cobwebs that lay scattered among the dust that was now rising into the damp air as he watched her fall from the high beam above his head.  It took less that a couple of seconds, but in that short space of time, he noticed the way the dust seemed to catch that dying sun and dull it to a soft grey while all the while wondering if he was going to make it out of there alive, or if he would die in that cold sunless space where only they existed.

But those thoughts were given no opportunity to take root, because no sooner had he noticed her descent, then his entire body was slammed into the wall behind him and sending even more dust into the air along with his breath which he surprisingly noticed as his entire body folded.

The grunt that followed was met with a swift kick to his side and forcing him to take cover behind a stack of wood, yet even then, he noticed the little details.  A family of spiders crawled out through the gaps, his arm had sustained a small injury which was bleeding all over them and her foot was now pressed up against the wood pile ready to topple it down on top of him.

Yet the only thought going through his mind, was her.  He had seen this woman in action countless times before, only she had been wearing a Disciples robe and was disguised as a boy.  And not only had he seen those moves before, but he knew exactly the combination that would follow.  He couldn't explain it even if he tried, but he knew the full routine as if he himself had devised them and no sooner did her foot rise to side kick the wood which would be followed by a left hook punch to his head, then Mo Yuan erupted from behind the stack to take hold of her leg which was by that stage in the air and aiming straight for him.

Unprepared for his attack, Bia Qian went down heavily while he just as quickly twisted her leg to get her onto her stomach.  Flipping herself out of his tight grip in order to spin her body out of reach, Mo Yuan thrust out the lower end of his palm which connected with her jaw and sent her reeling backwards.  A short sharp cry escaped her as she fell heavily.  He had not aimed to seriously hurt her, only to bring her under control;  Only the tears on her lashes suddenly had him stalling in mid attack.

For a woman who could literally kill a warehouse full of deadly thugs, kill an man surrounded by a team of armed guards then climb Mount Kunlun as if she taking a leisurely stroll, the tears confused him no end.  Because this was not the woman he knew.  She was deadly, ruthless and cold hearted, not this tearful little girl with the large doe like eyes staring at him as if he was the bad guy.  And for the life of him, he couldn't react to it,.  All he could do was stare at her in disbelief.

"You could have broken my jaw with that hit." she whispered sullenly back at him with a look of incredulity in her soft gaze while trying very had to draw the tears back.

Feeling incredibly guilty and having no idea why, Mo Yuan took a step forward.

"I'm sorry I hurt you.  But I am here to arrest you and take you back to Beijing." he said softly.

The Last Disciple - Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now