Cat and Mouse

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Without the headlamp, Mo Yuan would not have been able to see a thing

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Without the headlamp, Mo Yuan would not have been able to see a thing.  But in the soft glow that lit the way, he slowly retraced his steps until he found hers again.  The snow was only a light sprinkle, and though it was cold, he was not uncomfortable.  His clothing was more than adequate, though he knew, the higher he climbed the colder it would get.  He was also aware that breathing would become more difficult and estimating his climb to be only at the halfway mark, he was becoming desperate to find her, because it had been years since he had undergone this kind of extreme climbing.  

He had one small oxygen cylinder in his backpack which he would only use if he absolutely had to, but knowing now that he had walked straight passed her, he quickly scouted the ground for fresh footprints, even going so far as to leave the track to scout the jagged rocks that dotted the edges.  But it was too dark and not wanting to lose himself which was very easy to do on that mountain, or increase the beam on his headlamp least he disturb any wandering wildlife, he quickly devised a plan.

Heading back up the trail, he continued for another ten minutes while ensuring her footprints had not continued that far, before quickly ducking in behind a large clump of rocks where he could remain hidden to wait for her.  It was obvious she had tired herself out and was sleeping somewhere, so getting comfortable, he allowed himself to rest while forcing himself to quote song lyrics to keep himself awake.  And as the long minutes dragged on, he waited quietly in anticipation.


Having set her alarm to just a mere hour, it was three hours later before she finally awoke and that was only because the snow had began to deepen.  Literally pinching herself for sleeping too long, she quickly dragged herself to her feet to look around.  She knew the detective had been behind her, but having slept so long, she now wasn't sure how far behind or ahead he was and with daylight beginning to hit, she knew she was now a sitting duck.  

Because going by the loss of footprints she had no idea where he was and knowing he was just as skilled as she was, she had to assume he was lying in wait for her.  Not being one to panic, she quickly assessed her options.  She had one advantage over him that she was positive he would not have and that was her knowledge of that side of Kunlun Mountain including its walking tracks and hidden trails regardless of the snow.   Though where she was situated, she was still a way off from one such trail and to reach it, meant she would have to now skirt around the main track while hoping he was not too close to it.

With little time to spare, she immediately gathered her things, and pulled her snow white hood over her head which was also an added advantage.  In the light of day, she would become invisible against the icy backdrop at least for the next two hours, because the Mountain mists were already rolling in and at that time of year, they would not lift for much of the day.

Setting off at a cautionary pace, while ever mindful of every movement and sound, she calmly scooted around rocks, boulders and intermittent trees that lined the path, but she had not gone too far before she caught sight of him.  His back was to her and his head was down, but what surprised her, was not only the colour of his jacket which stood out, but the size of his backpack.  It was too small, that meant he was probably not prepared for what lay ahead and as she neared his hunched up body, she also realized he had fallen asleep.

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