A Break in the Armour

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The Ghost Realm

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The Ghost Realm.

For five days, Qing Cang struggled against the relentless pull of Li Jings blood spell.  It was not meant to be rushed, it was meant to be dragged out for seven days, and though Qing Cang wanted to leave the moment he felt the boys attempt to begin the weakening of his soul, he couldn't, he was too weak already.  It had taken almost all of Li Yuans cultivation just to remain awake but the continuous stabbing pains he felt throughout his entire body came thick and fast.  There was no end to the pain and agony, and nor could he fight it, but the closer that Li Jing got to his actual soul, the angrier he became.

He'd had time enough to think and to dwell on his past mistakes and his greatest mistake was allowing that boy to live.  Continuing to fight through the pain while wishing the boy would hit his soul and be done with it, he gathered what little cultivation he had left and wrapped it around his heart so that it would at least be protected for when Li Jing finally called his soul forward.

Little by little Li Jing continued the onslaught to weaken his father and as the days flew by, the onslaught began to pick up the pace.  Now and then, he would feel Qing Cang push back, but he was in a much stronger position and through the connection he could feel his father weakening, but he was not weak enough.

In his own mind, he did not see anything glorious in what he was doing, in fact Li Jing felt exceptionally pained by the treachery that he was committing regardless of the hate he held for him.  And nor was the safety of the Realms or even his own people, the entire reason why he was destroying his own father and during the entire time, his mind had gone back to his childhood, which to anyone else, would have seemed like such a charmed life.

He had never wanted for anything, not in the material sense.  He was a pampered son, given freedom beyond what his older brother was given, and he was even allowed to follow every dream that he had.  His father though exceptionally tough on Li Yuan, was the complete opposite with him and even more so, his younger sister Yan Zhi.  But regardless, their fathers love for all of them was not as deep as his greed for power.

They were all his fathers power sources, which was a magical spell he had created with his and their blood.  Li Jing wasn't entirely sure of how exactly the magic worked, but what he remembered, what they all remembered were the times his father would take them to Mount Jun Ji when it had been under his ownership, to strip them of their cultivation which they acquired solely for him.  He always left them with enough to live comfortably, but never enough to become a threat to his rule or even his life.  

Not even Yan Zhi was exempt, and she had been his fathers most favoured child, and only because she was a girl.  Even so, Li Jing had still remained a filial son.  He did what was expected of him, he gave his father his allegiance and swore to protect his own above all others.  That was until his fathers untimely imprisonment.

Li Yuan not only took the Ghost Clans Robe of rule the minute their father was vanquished, but he had also informed him of the true story behind his mothers death.  

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