Chapter 1: Ignored and Unwanted

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It was Saturday morning in the Hamato sewer-hold, and Mikey was bored.

Normally, he would play video games or read a comic book, but he just didn't feel like being alone.

Leo was in the dojo meditating.

Raph was in his room reading a comic book.

Donnie was in his lab inventing something new to help them with their battles.

And master Splinter was in the kitchen making tea.

So, Mikey decided to go to the dojo and see if Leo wanted to hang out with him. He approached Leo slowly.

"Hey Leo!" He shouted, causing the eldest turtle to jump up in surprise. He glared at Mikey.

"Mikey, what was that for, can't you see I was busy meditating?!" Leo scolded, annoyed.

Mikey smiled. "I'm bored so I was hoping you would wanna hang out or something, whatta ya say?"

Leo sighed. "No Mikey, go bother Raph and leave me alone, I probably won't even be able to get back into my mediation because of you!"

"Oh um I'm sorry Leo, I didn't mean to bother you...I'll just go see what Raph's up too!"

"Good to know, now please don't bother me with childish games, I just want to be alone." Leo replied.

He slammed the door in Mikey's face. Mikey frowned sadly. He wasn't expecting that. Oh well, he decided to go see Raph.

He then walked to Raph's room and knocked on the door in a sing-song voice with a smile on his face.

"Oh Raphieee, I know your in there bro, open the door~!" Mikey sang. Raph opened up.

"What." He asked gruffly, obviously in a bad mood due to having to wake up earlier than normal.

"Hey bro, wanna watch a movie or something?" Mikey asked hopefully. Raph rolled his eyes.

"Go away, I'm not in the mood for your dumb baby games, leave me alone and go bother Don!" Raph yelled.

Mikey winced as the door slammed hard in his face. "Huh, I guess I'll go see what Donnie's doing."

He headed to the lab, remembering to knock. He then walked in to see Donnie working with chemicals.

"What do you want Mikey? I'm in the middle of something." Don greeted rudely.

"Sorry Don, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to watch a movie or play video games." Mikey explained quietly.

"No, I do not want to play video games or watch a movie, so if you don't mind, I'd rather be alone." Donnie added.

Mikey pouted, but walked back to the door, tripping over a loose beaker and knocking over a bunch of chemicals.

Donnie whirled around. He got really mad. Like, really mad. "Mikey, get out before you break something else!" He yelled.

Mikey flinched as Don pushed him out roughly. "I-I'm sorry Donnie, I didn't mean to." He said sadly. Donnie slammed the door.

Mikey was crestfallen. He sighed and walked into the kitchen to see Splinter drinking tea.

"Hi sensei!" He said cheerfully, startling Splinter and causing him to spill the tea everywhere.

"Michelangelo, you need to warn me before you do that!" Splinter scolded lightly.

Mikey bit his lip nervously. "I'm so sorry sensei, I didn't mean to scare you that bad." He said sadly.

"It is alright, I am not angry but would like to please go occupy yourself so I can clean up this mess." Splinter advised.

Mikey nodded and headed to his room, his head hanging low. This day wasn't turning out well. He'd somehow managed to make everyone mad at him.

He just wanted to spend time with his brothers since they never spend time together anymore. But his plan failed.

He sat on his bed, feeling heartbroken and sad. Soon, he was sniffling them softly crying.

"They don't want me around, they'd be better off without me here to screw things up and annoy them." Mikey sniffed.

He decided to run away if no one was going to spend time with him. He packed a bag with pizzas and his teddy bear, as well as a picture if his family.

He grabbed a pen and paper and wrote a note to his family in case they wanted to know where he was, misspelling a few words.

Dear family,

Since I have been bothering you so much lately and macking you mad at mee, I decied to run away. I just wanted to spend time with my favrite brothers, but you all ignored me. I love you dudes.

~Your baby brother, Mikey
ps. don't look for me if you don't care about me.

He left the note on his bed. letting a final tear drop fall into the letter, smearing some of the ink.

Then, he snuck out of the sewers and made his way to the top of the building. He wasn't sure where he was going.

"Running away from home are we, turtle?" A familiar, sinister voice said from behind him.

Mikey whipped around to see Shredder. "What's into you Shred-head?" He demanded.

"I was just taking a morning stroll when I just happened to see you walk by looking oh so depressed." Shredder said.

"Yeah, well that's my own personal shell-wax, leave me alone!" Mikey said loudly.

"I will once you tell me where your pitiful family and sensei are hiding." Shredder said sinisterly.

"No!" Mikey yelled. "I'll never tell you!" They may have ignored him, but Mikey still didn't want anything bad to happen to them.

The Shredder them grabbed Mikey's arm roughly. "Well then, since you won't tell me I'll have to take you prisoner."

"Wha-Mikey started to say, but Shredder hit him over the head with his guanlet.

That's the last thing Mikey saw before he felt a pain in his head and his world went black.

A/N: Hey peeps! Don't worry, Mikey isn't dead! He just got knocked out. Will his brothers notice he's missing? What will Shredder do to Mikey?

 Will his brothers notice he's missing? What will Shredder do to Mikey?

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