Chapter 8: Talk to Us, Otouto

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"B-Bros?" Mikey rasped, whimpering His throat was raw and sore. It hurt so bad to talk at all. He was so thirsty, but he couldn't drink...not the water.

Donnie ran in, immediately followed by Raph and Leo. "What's wrong, otouto?" Leo asked in worry.

Mikey tried to speak, but it hurt his dry throat so much that he couldn't. He whimperd and clutched his aching throat.

Donnie took a flashlight and looked at Mikey's throat. "Mikey, I know you don't want to...but you need to drink something, your throat is extremely dry, that's why it hurts."

Tears began gathering in Mikey's baby blue eyes. He didn't want that would probably be hot and hurt his throat even more.

Leo noticed and wrapped his arms around his little brother, sitting gingerly on the bed. Raph and Donnie did the same.

"Mikey, can you tell us why you are scared to drink the water? We just want to help you, little brother."

Mikey took a deep breath, knowing he wasn't getting out of it. He had to tell them anyway, right?

"W-Well...Shredder kept asking me questions, l-like where our l-lair was, but I didn't tell him, I swear!"

Raph rubbed Mikey's head soothingly, "We know you didn't otouto." He looked gently into Mikey's teary eyes.

"What happened after that, little brother?" Donnie asked, not trying to rush Mikey, but coaxing him.

Mikey sniffled. "H-He held my head under a pool of w-water and I couldn't b-breath, it was so c-cold!"

He shivered at the memory, and suddenly couldn't breath. He was sobbing so hard he was shaking. He felt like his throat was closing.

"M-Mikey?" Raph stammered, trying to find out what was going on. "Don, what's wrong with him?!"

"He's having a panic attack, we need to help him calm down." Donnie replied, he grabbed a breathing mask to help Mikey breath.

Leo calmly wrapped Mikey tightly in his arms and murmured words of comfort. "Shhh, it's ok little brother, breath, it's ok, you are safe."

After a few minutes, Mikey was calmer. He was still crying, but at least he wasn't struggling to breath.

"We're sorry little brother, you don't have to talk about it anymore if you don't want to, we shouldn't have pushed you." Raph said.

Mike took a deep breath. "I-It's ok, but um....I want to tell y-you though." He stammered, wiping his red eyes.

The brothers smiled a little. "Ok Mikey...we're so sorry that happened to you, little brother." Leo said.

Mikey took a deep breath and continued. "W-When I blacked out, he threw me in a cold c-cell, I was only allowed to drink hot hurt."

The brothers were angry...not at Mikey of course, but at the Shedder who tourtured him so horribly.

"Oh Mikey... that never should have happened, but....but you don't have to be scared because we're not going to do that to you."

Mikey nodded. "I...I know you wouldn't, bros...but it was just so scary...I'm sorry, I'll drink the water."

"Don't rush yourself Mikey, it's ok to be scared...maybe try drinking a few sips, to see how you do."

Donnie handed him the cup filled with ice cold water and Mikey slowly took a sip, then another and soon be drank the whole cup.

Smiling in relief, he cleared his throat. It didn't feel so dry anymore. The water soothed his burning throat and hydrated him.

Leo smiled."Good job, little brother...we're proud of you, we love you so much." He patted Mikey's head.

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