Chapter 7: Fear

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Mikey was in Shedder's lair. He was scared and cold. Why was here? Didn't his brothers save him? Mikey gasped to see his big brothers lying dead on the ground, covered in blood.

Mikey ran to them, sobbing. "N-No!" He let out a wail and hugged their cold, limp bodies, tears flowing.

"You really think they'd save you, foolish turtle?" A voice said. Mikey looked up to see Shredder, raising his gauntlet above Mikey's head.

"You...You k-killed them! You're a
m-monster, this can't be real!" Mikey screamed at the top of his lungs.

He screamed as the heavy metal came closer to his fragile skull....

Mikey jolted awake with a scream as sweat drenched his entire bandaged body. "Bros!" He sobbed, wailing.

Raph immediately pulled him into a tight hug, squeezing him to his plastron. Mikey leaned into the embrace, sobbing harshly.

"It's ok little brother, it was just a nightmare...shh, it's ok...I'm here and you are safe." Raph soothed, rubbing soothing circles on Mikey's carapace.

Mikey's sobs died down to soft whimpers. It had all felt so vivid...he thought his brothers were dead, and that he'd be next.

Leo and Donnie ran in. "Is he ok?!" They asked in concern. Raph sighed. "He had a nightmare, he's scared."

Leo and Donnie joined in on the embrace. "Calm down otouto, everything is alright." Leo whispered, rubbing Mikey's head.

Mikey took a deep breath and slowly let it out, his eyes still brimming with tears. "B-Bros?" He croaked, letting out a dry cough and coughing a lot.

"Here's some water, Mikey." Donnie offered, handing Mikey the glass. Mikey stared at me glass, his breathing suddenly quickening.

"Mikey? What's-

Mikey moved away with difficulty and slapped the glass away, causing it to fall and shatter, spilling everywhere.

"Mikey?!" Raph shouted as water sprayed all over him. Mikey immediately started wailing.

"I-I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me, I'm so sorry!" Mikey sobbed, hiding his face with his hands and curling up into a ball.

Raph took a deep breath and sighed. "No...No baby brother, I'm so sorry for yelling, shhhh I'm not gonna hurt ya."

Mikey whimpered as Raph pulled Mikey into another hug, ignoring the soft whimper.  "Shhhh, it's ok otouto, you are safe."

After a while, Mikey calmed down and stopped sobbing so hard. "Are you ok now baby brother?" Raph asked.

Mikey nodded. "I'm sorry, please don't make me drink the water...please." He begged, still feeling terrified.

"Mikey, you need to drink something, it's not good to be dehydrated." Sure, Mikey had an IV but he also needed to soothe his dry, parched throat.

Mikey shook his head voilently. "N-No, I can't...I c-can't, please don't make me Donnie, I'll be good, I promise!"

The brothers exchanged worried glances. At that moment, Splinter walked in to see what was wrong.

"My sons, is everything alright? I sensed Michealangelo was distressed." The wise rat asked softly, looking at a panicked Mikey.

"Um, Sensei...can we uh talk to you for a minute?" Leo said quietly. Splinter looked alarmed but nodded.

Raph stayed with Mikey, holding him in his arms and reassuring him that they won't going to hurt him.

"Sensei, well he's scared of water, he won't drink any and begged us not to hurt him or make him drink it." Donnie explained.

Splinter's ears flattened slightly. "Donatello, you mentioned water in Michealangelo's lungs, correct?"

Donnie nodded. "Yes, what she's that have to do with any-" Then he froze, understanding what must've happened.

"Shredder must have tourtured him with water." Leo spoke in a whisper. "That must be why he has water in his lungs."

"He had a really bad nightmare too, it took a while to get him to calm down...should we ask him to tell us about the...water?" Donnie asked.

Splinter hummed. "It would be good to know what has happened to him so we can help him better, but do not force him."

Leo and Donnie nodded. "We'll let you know if we find out anything, but I hate to hear what he went through."

Splinter gave him a gentle look. "I do too my son, I do, go talk to your otouto, see if you can help him."

When Leo and Donnie walked back into the room, Mikey was fully calm. His eyes were still tinted red from all the crying he'd been doing.

"Mikey, that nightmare seemed to really upset you want to talk about it? It night make you feel better." Leo coaxed softly.

Mikey thought a moment before whimpering. "I w-was back in Shedder's lair, a-and you guys were d-dead....he k-killed me too!"

The brothers hugged him tight. "Oh Mikey...that will never happen, we'd never let that happen." Raph comforted the upset turtle.

Mikey's sniffled. "It was really vivid though, it felt s-so real...I thought you dudes were dead!" He whispered.

Their hold tightened. "Shh, it's ok... you are safe here with us, baby'll be alright."

Mikey calmed down and sighed. "I'm such a baby...I'm supposed to be brave like you guys." He said, blushing.

"You're not a baby Mikey, you've just been through something traumatic, it's normal for you to feel these emotions." Donnie said softly.

"You're the bravest turtle we know, Mikey...and you're so strong, and we're so glad to be your big brothers."

"Yeah, we love ya Mikey, it's ok for ya to cry and all that, heck, just seeing your wounds made he tear up..."

Mikey looked surprised. "You cried Raphie?" He asked in shock. Raph never cried because he was so tough.

"Of course I cried, we all did....we were so sad when we saw what Shedder did to you." Leo said.

Mikey hummed. "Why?" He asked. Leo took his hands. "Why? Because we love you, your our otouto." They all said at the same time.

Mikey smiled and hugged them. "I'm so glad I have you dudes." He said softly. They all grinned and hugged him tighter.

"We're glad we have you too, little brother."

A/N: Hey readers! Hope you enjoy chapter 7! I touched a bit on the water fear, that's going to be a huge part of the next chapter...will Mikey tell them or stay quiet?

will Mikey tell them or stay quiet?

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