Chapter 10: Monophobia

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Mikey woke up to find the lair empty.  A rush of anxiety washed over him. "Hello?" He called. "Bros? Sensei?"

He got no answer. He clambered out of bed and walked around the lair. Had they left him alone...?

He whimpered to himself a bit as he looked around. Where was everyone. Why had they left him alone?

He ran to each of his brother's rooms, but found them empty. He then ran to the dojo, it too was vacant. As a last resort, he ran to his father's bedroom.

It was usually off limits, as they were not usually allowed in there unless it was an emergency. But to Mikey, this was definitely an emergency.

He opened the door, and the room was empty. He felt his breathing start to quickened as his heart raced in his plastron.

"Bros? Sensei? Where are you?!" He called as tears poured from his baby blue eyes. He sniffled and ran back to the lair, sitting in a corner of the room.

He buried his face in his hands and cried. He felt abandoned...Why had they left him alone? And...where were they?

Normally, he wouldn't mind being by himself because it meant he could play video games on full volume and not get yelled at.

But today, after what had happened to him a while ago, he suddenly felt scared, almost petrified of being alone.

Right then, the turtles and Splinter returned from wherever they were, and were shocked to see Mikey in such a terrified state.

"Mikey?" Leo said in surprise as they all walked in. "Mikey, what's wrong?" They ran to his side, hugging him.

Mikey didn't answer. He just leaned himself into their embrace and continued to cry.

In a way, he was mad....mad that they had left him, mad that they had scared him so badly by leaving.

But he was also relived. Raph rubbed Mikey's head tenderly as Donnie, Splint and Leo held Mikey tight.

"Michaelangelo? What is wrong? Are your wounds hurting you?" Splinter asked in worry as he looked into Mikey's teary eyes.

"I...I woke up and no one was here!" Mikey sobbed. "I didn't k-know where you were or anything! I was s-so scared!"

They all hugged him tighter. Mikey felt like he couldn't breath. His breaths we e coming fast and his heart was pounding hard.

"Mikey? Mikey, you need to's okay, we're here now..." Donnie said as he grabbed Mikey's hands and held them.

Mikey continued to sob, as his breathing quickened more. "What's happening to him?" Raph asked in alarm.

"He's having a panic attack..." Donnie explained. "Mikey? Mikey,'s okay...look at us, and breathe..."

Mikey looked at his family as tears blurred his vision. He slowly took a deep breath, then another. Leo patted his carapace. "That's it...that's good..."

Master Splinter held Mikey tight in his arms, as he muttered something on Japanese to the frightened turtle.

Mikey listened to him, and took another deep breath. "Good..." Raph said, stroking Miley's head.

"W-Where were you guys?" He choked out, wiping his eyes. "Why'd you leave me...?" He mumbled to them.

They all exchanged glances. "We were getting something for you...we didn't think you'd wake up so soon..."

Mikey sniffed. "You were getting something? For me? Why?" He asked as he rubbed his red and puffy eyes.

They pulled out a cake. "Because we admire how strong you brave you've been...and we wanted to do something special for you..."

Mikey's eyes filled with tears again. "I don't deserve this..." He muttered. They looked at him in confusion.

"What are you talking about, otouto?" Leo asked. Mikey sniffed. "I haven't been brave...and I'm weak..."

They immediately hugged him again. "Michealangelo, you are not are very strong..."

"Dad's right,'ve been through a lot, and you've been nothing but brave and strong..."

Mikey looked up at Leo. "You really think so?" He asked. "Of course we do..." They said with a smile.

Mikey smiled a little before frowning. "But...I don't know why I got so scared...I've never been afraid of being alone before..."

They exchanged glances. "And you never had a panic attack before either..." Raph added with a frown.

Mikey looked down. "It's just that...when I was kidnapped, I was all alone..." He whispered. "In isolation..."

They frowned. "But you aren't alone now, we're here and we aren't going anywhere..." Raph said calmly.

Mikey sniffled. "I know..." He whispered. "But I just...feel so scared when I'm alone...I don't like it..."

"I think you have monophobia." Donnie piped up. "The fear are of being alone." Mikey nodded.

"I do...when I couldn't find you guys, I felt like I was back in isolation...I felt so alone..." He whimpered.

Master Splinter stroked Mikey's head. "Oh Mikey..." He murmured. "You will never be alone...never again."

Mikey looked up at him as tht rest of the brothers smiled. "Yeah, we ain't goin' anywhere!" Raph added.

"You'll never be alone again, little brother..." Donnie added. "We promise, otouto..." Leo said.

Mikey looked up at all of them before hugging them. "Good..." He said with a small smile.

Leo held up tht cake they got. "Hey, why don't we eat this cake?" He smiled as Mikey immediately grabbed it and ran away.

"Mikey, come back here with that cake!"  Leo called.

"Save some for us!" Raph yelled.

"Yeah!" Donnie echoed.

"I paid for it, I get the first piece!" Splinter said.

Mikey smiled. "I'm glad I'm not alone..."

A/N: Hey readers! I really hope you enjoy the chapter! Only a few more to go! Poor Mikey...but he's getting better!

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Thx Enjoy 😘😍


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