Chapter 4: Pain

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Mikey coughed bitterly, wincing as a bit of blood splattered on the cold, hard floor. He was almost certainly he had phenomena.

"Why did I run away?" He mumbled the himself, wiping the tears that were steadily falling.

He'd been in Shedder's lair/dungeon for a while now. There wasn't a clock or anything in there, but Mikey could tell it had been at least 4 days.

His stomach growled painfully, but Mikey didn't dare eat turtle soup! He couldn't, he wouldn't! He'd honestly rather starve.

"I really hope they're looking for me by now, unless they don't care about me, which is why I'm stuck here in the first place."

He wished that he hadn't been so stupid and annoying. Then maybe he wouldn't have been ignored so much.

"I deserve this." He whispered.

Leo, Raph and Donnie were plain exhausted. They'd been searching nonstop for 4 days nearly, and they had no luck.

They were tired, hungry and worried. But they weren't going to stop until they found their little brother.

All of the brothers blamed themselves. They had pushed him away from them when he simply wanted attention.

"Why did I shoo him away?" Leo said to himself glumly.

"Why did I yell at him? Stupid temper." Raph scolded himself.

"I shouldn't have kicked him out of my lab, what king of brother am I?" Donnie thought guiltily.

"We're coming otouto." They all thought in determination. They were going to save him.

Mikey sniffled and shivered violently. He just went through another water torture and barely had a chance to get air.

"I h-hate water." He said as his teeth chattered from the cold. He was practically freezing now as there was no warmth in the cell.

He hissed as he accidentally hit his wounded arm on the cell bars. He guessed it was infected. The cut of course had peroxide in it from 2 days ago, but it made the wound burn 1000 times worse.

He sobbed quietly as he heard feet stomp towards his cell. Shredder was back again and Mikey knew more pain was coming his way.

"Get up turtle, or I'll drag your useless body." Shredder growled as he forcibly tugged on Mikey's chains, causing his wrists to bleed.

Mikey walked and soon found himself in a room with a thumbscrew. Mikey gulped. That was going to hurt so bad.

Mikey was forced into a chair and held down tightly by belts. Shredder then grabbed the thumbscrew and placed it on Mikey's left hand.

He put Mikey's pinkie first and very slowly turned it, making it slowly and painfully break Mikey's finger. He let out a gut-wrenching scream.

He sobbed harder as Shedder broke his other two fingers on his hand, causing him tremendous pain.

He was about to move on to Mikey's other hand but stopped with a smirk. He put the thumbscrew down and Mikey breathed a sigh of relief.

Shredder grabbed a sharp knife and carved something in Mikey's right arm, making him gasp and shriek as his skin was cut.

Shredder had carved 'Useless' into Mikey's arm, leaving a bloody, deep gash. It hurt so bad, Mikey soon felt extremely light-headed.

Mikey sniffed, looking down at the blood trickling down his arm and sighed. Shredder was right. He was useless. He was nothing.

And he deserved this pain.

Leo was starting to break down. After another 3 hours of searching, he felt like they were losing hope.

Finally, he fell down to the ground and sobbed. Raph and Donnie were shocked. They hadn't seen Leo cry since they were kids.

"Leo, it's ok Leo, we're gonna find Mikey please don't cry." Raph comforted, bending down to his distraught brother.

Normally, Raph is not the warm and fuzzy type and hates hugs, but he allowed Leo to bury his face in his neck.

"W-What if we never f-find him?" Leo sobbed, easing into Raph's comforting and surprising embrace.

"We will, we just need to keep looking, for our otouto." Donnie replied, standing next to the pair.

"Yeah, I g-guess your r-right." Leo said, wiping his eyes and standing up. "Let's keep looking, maybe we should split up."

They all agreed to split up and hopefully keep things moving along so they could find Shedder's lair.

Suddenly, the tracking device in Donnie's belt started beeping like crazy as soon as he walked in front of a huge rock tunnel.

"Guys, I think I have a good idea where Mikey is..."

A/N: Hey readers! I really hope you enjoy! I know it's a bit short but the next chapter is going to be longer! Will Mikey be ok? How much longer can he last? Will the brothers be able to save him in time?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Hey readers! I really hope you enjoy! I know it's a bit short but the next chapter is going to be longer! Will Mikey be ok? How much longer can he last? Will the brothers be able to save him in time?

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