Chapter 3: Searching

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"So uh how exactly are we going to save Mikey if we don't know where he is?" Raph asked.

"Oh yeah, I have a tracking device, once this thing beeps like crazy, we've found Mikey." Donnie replied.

"Tracking device? You put a tracking device on Mikey? When?" Leo asked in shock

"Yeah remember when I did that DNA experiment on you guys last month? Well, I took samples of each of us and made 5 tracking devices."

" you have one for all of us? Is that why we randomly hear weird beeps?" Raph asked.

"Yep, but I made them just in case something like this happened...I just hoped I'd never have to use it..." Donnie said sadly.

Leo put a hand on his little brother's shoulder. "I know Don, but we're going to find him."

Donnie nodded and they silently began their search.

They just hoped that they would find him in time...

Meanwhile, back in Shredder's lair...

Mikey was still violently shivering from the ice water. His nose ran like a river, so he guessed he was getting sick.

He just hoped he'd never have to get back in that water was so cold it almost burned.

Mikey gulped as he heard the thundering footsteps of the Shredder. He was carrying a bottle of water that was about 3/4 full and a steaming bowl.

"W-What's that?" Mikey asked nervously, not believing the Shredder would actually give him food and water.

Didn't he want to kill him?

"It's food and water you stupid turtle, and you should save it, it's all your getting." Shredder snarled.

Mikey looked into the bowl. It looked like soup except it was green when little green chunks floating in it.

"What is this?" He asked, afraid to find out. Shredder smirked. "Turtle soup." He said.

Mikey just about threw up. He chucked the bowl at the wall, shattering it and making a green. disgusting puddle.

Shedder simply shrugged and walked away. "I guess you'd rather starve, fine by me."

Mikey was still trembling in shock and fear. Turtle Soup? That was basically cannibalism! There was no way he'd eat it.

After a few minutes, Mikey decided to try the water. He didn't want too though, he was suddenly scared of water after the water torture.

But, he drank. It was warm. Disgustingly warm and it had a really bad taste, but Mikey was so thirsty and his throat was so dry...

He drank it.

Mikey nearly gagged and nearly spit it out. It was so gross, Shredder must have gotten it from the sewers or something.

But still, he forced himself to drink it, knowing he'd soon die of dehydration if he didn't.

He remembered Donnie telling him once that they could only survive 3-5 days without water before they died of thirst.

Hunger wasn't so bad, he could last a long while without food, maybe even a week at least.

"This is not good..." He mumbled. He was coughing harshly now and he was still freezing.

He just hoped someone realized he was gone by now...


He told them not too look for him...if they didn't care about him, they wouldn't save him would they?

He sniffed. He knew he was going to die here alone.

And it was all his fault....

"Oh my gosh guys...look at this." Leo said in a trembling voice. They all looked on tit ground.

There was a small puddle of blood.

Mikey's blood.

"A-Are ya sure it's Mikey's?" Raph asked. Donnie tested it and confirmed it was Mikey's.

"This isn't good...Shredder or some other sort of villian must have captured him!" Leo mumbled.

"I think it was Shredder, look." Donnie replied, pointing to the piece of a gauntlet Shredder must have left behind.

"Shedder!" Leo hissed in anger. Shedder kidnapped their baby brother! They had to save him!

"Come on, the tracking device will go off when we get close, right now we just need to search." Donnie explained.

With a sigh from everyone, they all walked around the city, searching in every building.

They were going to find him, even if it took all day and all night...they weren't giving up till Mikey was found and Shredder was beaten to a pulp.

"We are going to find him..."

A/N: Hey readers! Will the brothers save Mikey in time? Will be be tourtured more? What will Shredder do to Mikey?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Hey readers! Will the brothers save Mikey in time? Will be be tourtured more? What will Shredder do to Mikey?

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