Chapter 5: Found

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Mikey sobbed quietly as he assessed his wounds. They were bad. Really bad. He was bleeding profusely from a deep wound in his side, it hurt so bad.

Shedder has cut a deep hole in his side with a dagger, and it was slowly making him weaker and weaker from blood loss.

"Please come bros..." He begged weakly. He wanted his brothers and Splinter. He wanted to go home. He wanted this nightmare to be over.

He'd been here nearly a week now, and he just wanted to go home. But he knew Shedder wasn't gonna to stop till he was dead.

He had numerous wounds all over, but his left side hurt the worst because Shedder broke a few of his tender ribs.

Broken ribs hurt like shell, and Mikey was getting scared. He knew he did have much longer before he died from starvation, dehydration and blood loss.

A moment later, Shedder suddenly came back, holding a large device that looked like a nut cracker.


"Hurry guys, the detector's going crazy, we found Shedder's lair!" Leo told the others as frantic beeping filled the air.

They all hurried into the lair, having to go through numerous tunnels in order to find the room Mikey was in.

There had to be at least 5 different rooms and they had no idea where Mikey was....hopefully they weren't too late....

Mikey let out a gut-wrenching scream as he felt his shell being violently squeezed. He screamed louder when he felt his shell start to crack.

That was the worst pain Mikey had ever felt in his life. It felt as if he was being crushed, which he probably was.

Finally, Shedder let him go, letting the bleeding turtle fall to the hard floor, coughing up blood and other weird substances.

Mikey was dying.

He knew it.

The pain, it was too much.

He was going to die.

"Goodbye bros, I love you." He whispered as he coughed up a bit of blood before his world faded to black.

The brothers heard an ear-peircing scream and immediately ran towards the sound. They eventually found a door and kicked it down.

Tears filled their eyes as the bloody sight that awaited them. Mikey was on the floor motionless and covered in blood. Shedder looked down and smiled eviley.

"Mikey!" They screamed. Raph ran to his battered brother while Leo and Donnie took on Shedder, knocking the villain unconscious.

"Mikey!" Leo gasped when he saw how much blood was covering his little brother.

Raph was sobbing, he couldn't feel a pulse and Mikey wasn't breathing...He was dead.

"Let me look at him, I need to assess his injuries so we can hurry home!" Donnie urged.

Raph just shook his head, sobbing. "I-It's too late, h-he's gone...he's g-gone." He wept.

"N-No...Mikey!" Leo collapsed, hugging his brother's lifeless body. Donnie refused to give up.

"Move!" He demanded. Leo and Raph reluctantly backed away, sobbing. "W-What are you doing?" Leo asked, shakily.

"I'm not giving up, it's still alive, I just know it, I'm not letting him die!" Donnie yelled, pounding on Mikey's plastron.

He pounced Mikey's shell and blowed into his mouth. He wasn't going to let Mikey die. Not after all they've been through.

Miraculously, Mikey's eyes fluttered open and he let out a pained groan, still in tremendous pain and agony.

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