Chapter 2: Torture

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When Mikey woke up, he found himself in a cold, dark cell with his right arm shackled to the wall.

His head was pounding, he reached his unshackled hand to his head. It came back wet with blood.

Mikey gulped, guessing he got a pretty bad cut. Luckily, it didn't seem to deep. It sure did sting though.

He winced as he heard the clang of the door opening. Shredder walked in and looked at Mikey expectantly.

"I see your finally awake, turtle." He said loudly. "Now, are you going to tell me where your lair is?" He asked.

"No, I'm not gonna tell you!" Mikey argued. "There's nothing you can do to make me!"

Shredder scowled and got really close to Mikey's face. "I will ask you one last time: where is your lair?!"

Mikey crossed his arms. "I. am. not. telling. you!" He shouted, becoming annoyed by the repetitive question.

"Alright then, you leave me no choice, if you won't tell me I will have to use force to torture it out of you." Shredder said.

Mikey's eyes widened in fear.
"T-Torture?" He gulped. This was not going to end well.

Meanwhile back at the lair...

Leo exited the dojo with a worried look on his face. He had this gut feeling that something wasn't right.

Perhaps it was because he had yelled at Mikey earlier. He just wanted to play with him and he shooed him away.

Raph and Donnie were in the living room watching some movie on tv. Leo approached them wearily.

"Have you guys seen Mikey?" He asked them. They shook their heads in confusion. Raph flashed a smile.

"Huh, no wonder it's been so quiet for the last two hours." He said, looking to the direction of Mikey's room.

"Yeah, I haven't seen Mikey since I...threw him out of my lab 2 hours ago." Donnie admitted.

"Why'd you throw him out of your lab? Did he annoy you too or break something again?"

"Both, he came in asking if I wanted to play some video game with him, but then he knocked over some chemicals and I got mad and he left."

"I yelled at him too, he woke me up so I let him have it...huh, no wonder it's been so peaceful."
Raph added.

"I got mad at him when he interrupted my meditation, I couldn't get back into it." Leo said with a sigh.

" Mikey came to all of us and we all shunned him away? What kind of brothers are we?" Donnie asked guiltily.

Raph scoffed. "Well what else were we supposed ta do? He's always asking us to do childish things."

"Yeah, but he's still our brother, I'm going to go to his room, he's l
probably upset." Leo said.

He then left the lair and approached Mikey's room. The door was slightly ajar.

"Mikey?" He called out quietly. "Mikey, come on out, we're sorry for ignoring you."

No answer.

Leo opened the door all the way. The room was completely empty. There was a sloppily-written note on the bed.

Leo read it and gasped.

Oh no...

Mikey gulped as he watched the Shredder pulled out a sharp dagger and approached the cell.

"Get over here." The villian ordered darkly as he beckoned the scared turtle.

Mikey walked over, not sure what was about to happen to him or knowing that he'd soon be in crippling pain.

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