Chapter 1 - The Boy With The Blue Eyes

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I nervously clutched the letter while scanning the address with my (e/c) orbs. 'I hope they accepted my internship,' I thought. Opening the letter, I poured coffee into my mug and sat it on the wooden end table of the couch. I sat on and sipped on the coffee while reading the letter.

Dear Ms. (L/n),

We have received your application for our internship program. We are sorry to inform you that all intern positions for psychologist assistant are currently taken. However, if you still wish to join our program, we have provided a date for meeting with a psychiatrist who is looking for an intern. We look forward to hearing back from you.

- Dr. Lang

Director of Gorman House Youth Reformery

To be honest, I was a bit bummed at first, but I'm happy that I'm getting a second chance. I flipped the page over and seen the date that Dr. Lang specified. '19 November 2018... wait... THAT IS TODAY'S DATE!' I ran into my room and rummaged in my closet for a interview-friendly outfit. 'A plain white T-shirt, black slacks, and black vans will do, I'm going to be late!' After I changed, I immediately grabbed my purse and headed out the door. My cat, who happens to be named after a T.V. series called Dexter, stretched out and followed me. 'Dexter! Now is not the time,' I said as I picked him up and put him back inside. He mewled angrily as he walked off, swaying his tail in a sassy manner. I went back into my car and started it, turning on the heater to warm up my frozen hands. After putting on my jacket, I drove to the mental institution. 'Man, how will I manage this job and college? Hopefully the psychiatrist is nice,' I thought while driving on the freeway. Tuning to my favorite radio station, I turned the volume up and smiled warmly to myself.

"Oh, and baby I'm fist fighting with fire
Just to get close to you
Can we burn something, babe?
And I run for miles just to get a taste
Must be love on the brain."

~ Rihanna, Love on the Brain

After parking, I got out the car and grabbed my purse. 'This is it,' I sighed and walked into the building. Screams of patients could be heard from across the building as staff walked around, conversing among each other about work drama or patients. "Michael is something else. I don't understand how he is still alive if he doesn't even eat," a brunette nurse said, stroking her locks. "You tell me. He doesn't respond to anybody. He is another Jason," a male doctor said, holding a clipboard. I was a bit anxious at first, but I decided to walk up to them. "Hello! You must be... er... Ms. (L/n)? Your grades are amazing! I wasn't even that good when I was in college," the doctor laughed while marking something down on the clipboard. "Yes sir, that's me. I worked pretty hard for my grades with several sleepless nights and constant stress," I giggled nervously. "Don't worry, Hun. It'll get better once you graduate. You'll be visiting Room 219. Take the elevator up to the second floor, turn right, and walk all the way down the hall," the nurse smiled and handed me a map. "Thank you!" She nodded at my appreciation and continued to talk to the doctor. 'Well, here goes nothing,' I thought.

I knocked on the door and waited patiently. I read the name plaque on the screen. 'Doctor Tasha Rositani? I wonder what she's li-' The door opened and revealed a short, black woman who wore a curious expression. 'Woah... her boobs are huge!' Her hazel eyes gleamed in the light as she looked me up and down. Suddenly, she smiled softly and shook my hand. "Now you must be Ms. (L/n)? It's been so long since I had an intern. The warden never sends me interns because he's a snake. Glad to have you here. Come, sit down and lets talk," she said, leading me inside. I sat down while she pulled out a stack of papers and flipped through them. "Lecter... Bates... Bateman... here it is! If you agree to be my intern, you will be the primary care physician of Sawyer. Jedidiah Sawyer to be exact." She pulled out a file and handed it to me. "Thats a big stack of papers. What are his issues?" She sat down and plopped the stack down with a loud thud. "What hasn't he done? That man is crazy," she said while giving me paperwork. "I would definitely love to be your intern since I'm interested in both psychology and psychiatry," I grinned. "Just sign the paperwork and we are set. I suggest... you read his file to know what you're dealing with," she said while sipping on coffee. "Trust me, I can handle anything," I giggled and started filling out the paperwork. "I like your confidence. Just be sure to read that file though, you don't wanna have your finger bitten off or anything," she laughed. "You play too much," I laugh.

After handing her the completed paperwork, she exited the room to turn it in to the registry. 'So what's so important about Jedidiah?' Curiously, I scanned through his file and my expression dropped immediately. 'Multiple murders, numerous accounts of assault, paranoid schizophrenia, claims to hear voices, and suspected cannibalism? She just had to give me the worst patient?!' I groaned in frustration and slammed the file down. My eyes wandered on the file again and seen a room number. 'Room 233... that's not too far from here. Maybe I should go see what this killer really looks like.' I stood up and wandered the halls for the room. '230... 231... 232... 233... well this is it,' I thought while peeking into the door window. A male was hunched over in the corner, covering his eyes with his hands. He slowly turned his head in my direction, holding eye contact with me. His blue eyes shined with a mysterious aura as he stood up. He wore a rather curious expression as he approached the door. His dirty blonde hair swayed side to side as he walked. His facial features were... actually handsome. 'No way. This guy can't be a killer.' He got close to the window and analyzed my face, as if he was searching for something. He placed his hand on the window as he continued to lock his eyes with mine. "I knew you'd come. The voices told me all about you. They told me that you are mine. We are destined to be together," he said with a twisted grin. "W-what are you-" "MS. (L/N), GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THAT MANIAC. YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO SEE HIM UNTIL TOMORROW," a voice rang out from the end of the hall. I cocked my head and seen Dr. Rositani as she approached me at top speed. "I-I'm sorry, Dr. Rositani! I'll go back to your office." "Don't go. The voices... you're going to make them angry," Jedidiah said in a harsh tone. I completely ignored his plea and met with Dr. Rositani back at her office. His pleas became louder as my heels clacked onto the ground. "Sawyer, you know what happens when you get too close to the door," a voice said, followed by an electrical zap. Jedidiah's screams rang out into the hall. 'I feel like I should've stayed there... but why?' I sighed, sitting back down onto the comfy, velvet seat. "Don't get too worked up about him. He does this all the time. We told him a handful of times not to touch the damn door but what does he do? Touch the damn door. He claims that the voices tell him to do it, but it's just really his weird desires," Dr. Rositani said, handing me a box labelled 'Psychiatric Intern'. "Sorry for going over there... I was curious," I apologized. "You better watch out. You can't let curiosity get the best of you in this mental facility. It can get you killed, especially if you went to Myer's room. Anyways, the paperwork is fully done. You're officially my intern." I beamed with joy as I said, "Thank you so much for this job, Dr. Rositani. You don't know how much I appreciate it!" "Thank you for even wanting to be my intern. Your first day will be next week on Monday. See you then." "See you Monday, Dr. Rositani," I smiled and left the room.

Going to my car, I thought more about my odd encounter today. 'Jedidiah... I can already tell he is going to be a handful.' I started the car and placed my purse on the floor, still thinking about Jedidiah. A part of me wants to know him, yet the other part suggests that I avoid him. I've never felt such conflicting feelings before. 'What the hell is my problem? Oh well... I'll be back soon.' I drove off and got on the freeway. 'Monday is going to be interesting.'

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