Chapter 7- Find a Way Out Alive

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The sunlight blared through the room, causing my (e/c) to flutter open from the distraction. Sitting up, I groaned and rubbed my eyes. 'Where the hell am I? What happened?' I looked around the room and realized that I was in Jedidiah's room. His room was pretty plain since he had a wooden dresser, bed frame, and end tables. Unlike me, he didn't have a T.V. in his room or a computer. A clock hung above the door frame and a large lamp was next to the right end table. The memories of yesterday flooded my consciousness and I became nervous again. 'I have to ask Jedidiah about that... body... but where is he?' I opened the door and looked around for him. Walking down the stairs, I entered the living room and frantically scanned the area. Without paying attention, I bumped into Ms. Sawyer, who seemed surprised.

"I'm so sorry Ms- I mean, Mama Sawyer. Please forgive me for my rudeness," I apologized.

"It's fine, (Y/n). Are you feeling better?"

"Yes! Sorry I left the dinner table early... I was so tired from running through the woods yesterday."

"I understand," she smiled warmly, "Since the boys are all busy, we should spend some time bonding. You're my daughter-in-law now so why not?"

'What the hell is she talking about? I'm not even dating Jedidiah... Sure I have feelings but this is ridiculous.' My (e/c) orbs wandered to the coffee table and saw a half-knitted beanie. Beside it was a knitted pair of pants and a shirt that looked small enough to fit a baby. Biting my lip, my eyes widened in shock as thoughts raced through my mind. 'Could Jedidiah have... No. He couldn't have told her about having a child with me. He would never.' Gulping a bit, I faked a smile and responded to her.

"Of course. Is there anything you would like to do?"

"I haven't shown you around the house yet or the farm... So I'll give you a little tour of your new home," she said while walking in front of me.

"Alright, sounds good," I said while following her.

She took me outside to the backyard. Unlocking the fence gate, she walked over to a large, red barn. Nubbins and Drayton threw peculiar-looking slop into the pig's slough. The pigs excitedly ate the slop up and squealed in delight. A haunting thought lingered in the back of my mind as I saw this sight. 'Those must be the remains of that poor corpse... God, that's disgusting.' Nubbins noticed my stare and a dirty smirk crept on his face. He licked his lips, which caused me to immediately turn away. 'Gross.' Ms. Sawyer led me into the barn that echoed with noises that came from cows, pigs, horses, and chickens.

"Usually, the boys get up real early to feed the animals," she said while walking over to her sons.

"You own a really big property here."

"Yep and sometimes, people can't help but trespass on this property. That's how they end up with their skull bashed in and their brains splattered on the floor," she said coldly.

"Oh... I see," I whispered nervously.

She walked over to her sons and talked to them. I drowned out their chitchatter and thought about what she had said. 'Did she seriously tell me that she KILLS people? Not only that... she doesn't give a shit! How cold-hearted could somebody be? Is she a reason why Jedidiah was in the mental institution?' I felt a hand grab my shoulder, causing me to flinch. Seeing it was Ms. Sawyer, I relaxed a bit but a feeling of unease remained.

"(Y/n), are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah... Is there something wrong?"

"You got so scared when I barely touched you... Your face is really pale too... You sure everything is alright?"

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