Chapter 4 - A Tender Touch

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Four Days Later

Stopping in front of Jedidiah's door, I hesitated while placing my hand on the doorknob. Thoughts of him raced through my mind as I felt my cheeks heat up. He has been clouding my mind lately and I do not know why. Even the slightest thought of him made my heart throb and my cheeks flush. But... I couldn't find a reason for my random thoughts. As soon as I heard multiple heel clicks on tile, I turned my head around. Tiffany and Viola turned the corner, snickering about the latest gossip. Looking at me, they waved excitedly and walked toward me.

"Hey, there you are! We heard what happened to Michael."

"Uh... what are you talking about? I just got here."

"Apparently, another patient pantsed him and Michael killed him in an instant. I'm sorry you have to deal with that lunatic," Viola said.

"Yeah that was crazy. We had to run a series of tests on him after that incident," I lied.

"Can you believe that he doesn't wear ANY underwear? That's soooooo DISGUSTING! I bet he has a yeast infection or something" Tiffany grimaced.

"I can assure you that he doesn't have that."

"So... what are you doing at Jedidiah's room?"

"Umm... since his physician isn't here today, I have to take him out for physical activities but that's all. My main priority is Michael after all," I nervously replied.

Tiffany glared at me before her expression softened, "I see. Try to take some pics for us! I need to add a photo next to Jason's bathtub picture."

"Yeah, please don't forget," Viola chimed in.

Nodding quietly, I entered Jedidiah's room and closed the door behind me. I saw Viola and TIffany walk past the window as I approached Jedidiah, who was sleeping comfortably on his bed. Kneeling down to his level, I analyzed his handsome features. His dirty blonde locks rested on his face as he shifted a bit. My eyes traveled down to his open hand that carelessly rested beside his pillow. 'He looks so cute sleeping... this cannot be a mass murdered that Dr. Rositani has been talking about,' I thought as a smile crept onto my face. As I was lost in my silly thoughts, I mindlessly caressed his cheek. 'He's so... oh my god.' I soon realized his curious, blue orbs were staring into my (e/c) ones. A smile grazes his soft features as my cheeks violently flushed.

"Uh... I-"

"You're here early," he said in a husky tone.

"Yeah... we need to do some physical activities today."

"Really? I know something that can give us both a workout," he smirked slyly.


"So you don't wanna play volleyball with me? Aww," he pouted dramatically.

Cursing at my dirty mind, I replied, "Oh.. oh that! Yeah, I'll definitely play volleyball with you."

"Let me just get changed."

Standing up from his bed, he grabbed a pile of clothes from the transparent dresser. He flung off his shirt, revealing his toned muscles. 'Oh dear god,' I blushed at ogled his form. Glancing at me, a faint smirk crept on his face as he put on the clean, white shirt. 'HE'S TEASING ME!' Looking to the floor, I mentally scolded myself for letting my desires get to me. 'Another peek shouldn't hurt?' Taking a deep breath, I sat on his bed and glanced at him. He slipped his pants off and grabbed the fresh, white pair of pants. 'He got a firm booty.' After slipping on the pants, he walked over to me and sat beside me. His alluring blue orbs rested on my blushing form as a small grin crept on his face.

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