Chapter 5 - Wylin' in The Wardrobe

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Breathing heavily, he lowered himself down to my womanhood. 'This feels so wrong but so right.' I looked down at him as he bit the lace of my panties, dragging them off. A wide grin crossed his face as he spread my legs apart, exposing my wet, virgin womanhood. Licking his lips, he explored my pleasure cavern with his fingers. I tensed up a bit from his touch as he glanced up at my nervous expression.


"Y-yeah," I said in a slight tremble.

"Heh... don't worry. I'm a first-timer too. I've been saving myself for you. I'll take the lead," he said in a husky tone.

"Do you even know what you're doing?"

Ignoring my response, he slipped his two fingers into my pussy. My inner thighs shivered a bit from his cold fingers entering my warmth. I shifted around uncomfortably from the foreign feeling. It was a mixture of pleasure and pain. My walls have never been explored so it felt... odd. I gripped the edges of the wooden counter as small moans escaped my lips. My (e/c) eyes watched him as he seemed to enjoy what he had been doing; violating my virgin walls.

"J-Jedidiah," I whispered his name between mewls.

A smug grin played on his lips as he retracted his fingers. A unknown, milky-like liquid coated his fingers. Bringing the fingers to his lips, his tongue greeted the liquids. A naughty chuckle escaped his lips as he suddenly slipped his coated fingers into my mouth. I flinched at his sudden movement as I pried his fingers out of my mouth. A sweet taste coursed through my mouth as I grimaced.

"Don't like the way you taste? I love it... and I need more."

Without warning, he brought his face to my womanhood. His tongue danced around on my clit as my legs twitched in excitement. I threw my head back in glee as a loud moan poured out my lips. His lips tugged into a grin as his hands gripped onto my thighs. I looked down at him as his tongue traveled up and down my labia.

"You're such a tease," I groaned.

"Don't be impatient now. You may end up getting it rough," he warned.

Feeling his tongue enter inside my crevasse elicited a moan. I breathed heavily as his tongue flicked around. 'I never thought... sex would be this good. This is way better than the bathtub.' My fingers gripped his dirty blonde socks as his tongue traveled deeper into my canal.

"S-shiit," I whispered through moans.

His tongue hit a sensitive spot in my vagina, making me mewl loudly with pleasure. Suddenly, he pulled his tongue out and brought his face in close proximity to mine. His lips locked with mine and I tasted that sweet liquid again. He held the back of my head, deepening the kiss. Glancing down, I seen the hard member in his boxers spring out of the slit. It twitched with delight as he continued to kiss me. I grabbed his veiny cock and stroked it gently, evoking a moan on his part.

"N-No. Let me handle this, (Y/n)."

He pulled my hand off his dick as I pried off his boxers with my other hand. The cold air greeting his skin brought goosebumps. Pushing my body against the wall, he pulled my legs forward. My legs dangled off the counter as he positioned his member in front of my entrance. He glanced at me as I nodded, readying myself for him. Pushing his cock gently into my womanhood, I groaned a bit from pain. I felt his length pulsate against my walls. 'F-fuck... he's big.'

Lips interlocked with mine as he thrusted his hips into mine. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I quietly moaned his name into his ear. I saw a smug grin form on his lips as his thrusts became rougher; a little too rough. The collision of his skin against skin caused loud, plopping sounds to echo into the room. His blue, lustful eyes bore into my (e/c) orbs as he plowed deeper into me.

"You're so f-fucking tight, (Y/n)," he cooed out.

I tried to respond to him but I was too captured in the moment. My (h/l), (h/c) locks swayed with every thrust. I threw my head back as he found my sweet spot, pounding into it with every thrust.

"J-J-JEDIDIA- OHHHHHH JEDIDIAH," I cried out in pleasure.

He pushed me farther onto the counter as his thrusts became faster and rougher. It felt almost as if my body was going to collapse from all the pleasure I was receiving. 'I'm not even going to be able to walk after this,' I thought as my body shifted with every thrust. Heavy moans seeped through his breaths as he left love marks on my neck, collarbone, and breasts. I felt an intense pleasure in my vagina as my walls were pulsating with pleasure.

"O-Oh god, I'm so c-c-close," I whispered.

"M-me to-"

His reply was interrupted by my loud mewl. My walls tightened around his cock as I felt a knot in my stomach unloosen. Panting heavily, I gazed at Jedidiah. His thrusts slowed down as his breathing became heavier. Holding eye contact with me, he stopped thrusting and released a final moan. Hot, thick liquid filled my pussy as he breathed heavily on me. He pulled his dick out and a long string of white liquid dripped off of his tip. I stuck a finger in my womanhood and felt the heaping load of liquid inside. 'He really did cum inside. I just thought he was jok-' My thoughts were cut off as he inserted the tip of his cock in my mouth. He swished the tip around in my mouth and pulled out. I tasted his warm, syrupy cum glide on my tongue before I swallowed it.

"Like that?"

I nodded, causing a grin to form on his lips. He put his clothes back on as I gathered my clothes that were tossed around the room. Looking into a mirror, I saw that my (h/c) hair was a mess. 'Ugh, it's going to take forever to fix my hair.' After putting my clothing back on, Jedidiah opened the door and supported me back to his room. Like I had thought, I could barely walk. 'He was so damn rough.' Walking into the room, he sat me on the bed as he lazily walked to his dresser. He grabbed a pair of pajamas that were marked with the mental institutions logo. After walking into the bathroom, I tried to stand up but I ended up wobbling, falling back onto the bed. Hearing the clacks of heels against the floor outside, I groaned.

"Did you hear Jedidiah's care physician was caught getting intimate with him? I'm going to tear that bitch's eyes out once I see her," Tiffany said in a harsh tone.

"I'll help you with that. Nobody will touch my best friend's man," Viola replied.

"You're such a good person, Viola. I'll let you in on a threesome once I seduce him."

"Nice. Hey... is that (Y/n) in there?"

I felt their eyes bore into mine as they passed the window. They burst into the room, carrying clipboards. Unexpectedly, they wore calm expressions.

"Did you get those nudes for us?"

"Sorry Tiff, I tried my best but he wouldn't stay still," I laughed awkwardly.

"Awwww, well there's always next time if you're assigned to him again. Hopefully it will be me. I would much rather see his cock for myself," she grinned.

"If it's me, I will pass the opportunity onto you," Viola said to Tiffany.

Smirking, Tiffany replied, "Your loyalty will lead you to high places... Anyways, we have to go since it's almost time to clock out. How did Jedidiah do on his physical activities?"

"He did well. Everything seems normal... unlike Michael's physical activity chart."

"His sudden bursts of energy scare me. I hope he doesn't murder you while on the job. See ya," Tiffany said as she waved goodbye, as well as Viola.

As soon as they left, Jedidiah exited the bathroom. He plopped onto the bed beside me and pulled me close. His eyes gazed up at me in a loving manner.

"Jedidiah... I wish I can do this but I have to go," I said while standing up.

"Don't leave me."

"I can't do this... it's against the rules."

"If it's against the rules, looks like I have no other choice," he said and stood up.


"We have to escape. I had this planned out for awhile."

"But where would we go?"

"Back to ma's house. I can't wait until she meets you."

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