Chapter 8 - Fight or Flight

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A Couple of Weeks Later

No, I couldn't sleep now. I can't subject myself in this toxic, dangerous environment anymore. I tried to give Jedidiah a chance, I really tried. My heart told me to stay by his side, but my brain yearned for escape. How long has Dexter been out? I need to feed him.... I hope he's not suffering. Maybe a friend came to my house and fed him? Maybe... somebody is looking for me. The sight from a few days ago would not leave my memories. The walls were splattered with blood and wails were echoing in the living room. A man's throat was cut because he was 'trespassing'. He wasn't. He was dehydrated and wanted to ask Mama Sawyer for water. She kept a fake facade, smiling and nodding. After she brought him into the living room, she instructed her sons to bind him to a chair. I watched it all with my (e/c), innocent eyes. I was disappointed. Jedidiah did nothing to stop this. Not a single thing. Then again, I didn't do much either... but I couldn't do anything. I clearly remember his helpless, blue eyes. He sought my help because I was the only normal one. I'm not 'normal' anymore. I've been tainted by their influence. In the end, I refused to partake in the savagery and I refused to eat another human being. 'I have to get out.'

"Mmmmmm," Jedidiah mumbled in his sleep while he tossed and turned.

Glancing down at him, I saw his harmless, resting figure. The stitches along his lips are nearly healed up. On the end table laid the leather muzzle and the peculiar, leathery mask. I saw the way that mask was made. It's not leather, it's skin; human skin to be exact. It was compiled from a number of innocent victims that I saw slaughtered cruelly, without any remorse. Slaughter was an everyday thing and everyone had their fair share, except me. Luckily, I was able to convince Mama Sawyer that I was too queasy about it. The cold, wooden floor greeted my bare feet as I sat up from the bed. The moonlight blared through the window and sinisterly crept onto my crouched figure. 'I need to get away from here. Maybe I could find some resources in the slaughter room... Jedidiah's workroom.'

I crept into the hallway and looked both ways. 'Nobody is awake... that's good.' Slowly but carefully, I walked down the stairs and avoided the creaky floorboards. I winced a bit in pain as small splinters from the wood pricked my feet. My (f/c) shoes were downstairs beside the coat hanging rack, which was also utilized as a skin hanging rack. I grimaced at the terrible thought. 'Ugh, disgusting.' As soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs, I stretched and grabbed my shoes. I held onto the railing as I put my shoes on, pulling out the small splinters as well. Glancing toward the entry of the 'slaughter room', I saw that it was locked tight with two giant steel master locks. 'Shit, I can't go there.' Sighing quietly, I thought of possible escapes. 'Maybe through the front door? That's too obvious... Maybe... the barn? Yeah! I should find a weapon and a lantern there.'

A large gust of wind blew in when I opened the back door. The brisk breeze tickled my (s/c) cheeks and blew my (h/c) hair around crazily. I stepped out into the cold night and walked over to the large, red barn. The pigs slept soundly, snoring loudly. Squinting my (e/c) eyes, I saw a brightly lit lantern near a small farming scythe that was used to wack away weeds. 'Bingo.' Trying to stay as quiet and hidden as possible, I crept toward the barn and frequently looked back at the house. Fear ran through my veins and I nervously breathed. I can't even imagine what Mama Sawyer would do if she caught me trying to sneak out... she already thinks that I'm having her grandchildren. My feet crunched the hay beneath my feet, causing the pigs to roll around in their sleep. The chickens in the nearby cages didn't bother opening their eyes. The cows or horses didn't notice my presence either. 'Phew, I think I'm safe.' I walked over to the lantern and scythe and picked them both up. The lantern gleamed brightly in the darkness of the night and made the scythe glow sinisterly. I stuck the scythe in the pocket of my denim overalls that Mama Sawyer had made me. She made these last week and embroidered '(Y/n) Sawyer' on the back, along with my favorite flowers. By then, I knew that I had to find a way out of here.

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