Chapter 2 - The Wretched One

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"Can you tell me more about Jedidiah?"

Dr. Rositani looked at me with a peculiar expression before sitting down, handing me a clipboard. She breathed in deeply and crossed her arms.

"Jedidiah Sawyer has a long history, and it's not a good one. His family are a bunch of lunatic Texans that kill people who step foot on their property. Not only did they kill them but... they ate them."

"No way! You're joking!"

"I would never tell you a lie, Ms. (L/n). That is beyond me. Sawyer was forced into killing innocent people by his mother, Verna. We call her the 'leader of the wolf pack.' That bitch is batshit crazy," she said while lighting a cigarette.

"That's so sad," I whisper in a sorrowful tone.

"He had quite a fucked up childhood," she puffed on her cigarette, "People here used to call him 'Jackson' so he would forget his past, but we thought it was wrong to fake his identity. He is already too far gone."

"I see... Do you think... maybe he could change?"

"Change? Ms. (L/n)," Dr. Rositani laughed loudly, "Girl, what the hell you talking about? You can't change a killer."

"I mean, it has happened in mov-"

"Movies lie to you all the time. There is no such thing as a 'happy ending' when you're messing with a killer. Let me tell you, there is a patient here by the name of Norman Bates. He fell in love with a girl who stayed at his motel, but his mother deeply despised her. A happy ending would be that the man runs away with the girl, but that was not the case. The crazy bitch stabbed the girl to death and Bates decided to drown the girl's car into a nearby lake. You wanna know the crazy part? His mother was already dead. The person who killed the girl was Bates, who dressed up as his mother. Now, isn't that some crazy shit?"

"Yeah, that's pretty crazy," I said, awed and shocked about the story.

"Life lesson; don't fuck around with killers. Are you ready to start your job?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty excited if you ask me," I felt a grin tug at my lips.

"Good. You'll be downstairs in the cafeteria. Make sure to escort Jedidiah to his room after he is finished with his meal, then you can perform the tests on him," Dr. Rositani smiled as she put on her jacket.

As I took the stairs down to the cafeteria, I thought more about Dr. Rositani's words. 'A killer could never change? There must be a way. Anything is possible.' My heels clacked onto the tile as I walked toward the cafeteria door. My (f/c) dress swayed side to side with every step I take, as well as my (h/l), (h/c) locks. Nervously gripping the clipboard and taking a deep breath, I opened the door. Several heads turned towards my direction, making my cheeks heat up from embarrassment. Before I could look for Jedidiah, I was stopped by a tall female wearing blue scrubs.

"Hey (F/n)! It's good to see you here," her blue eyes lit up with joy.

"Hey Kelly! It's good to see you here too. Congrats on the nurse internship!"

"Thanks! I heard you got into the psychiatric internship. Congrats to you as well!"

"Thanks. I wanted to get into the psychologist internship but psychiatrist works too," I smiled.

"You already know psychiatrists make hella more money than psychologists. So don't trip. See ya around," she waved at me and walked away.

"See ya soon."

I looked around for Jedidiah and unknowingly bumped into a tall, chubby male with long, wavy hair. He stared down at me with disappointment, but his expression softened a bit once he locked eyes with me.

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