Chapter 3 - Real Versus Fake

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An eerie silence filled the room as Jedidiah blankly stared at my note card. His face showed a sign of distress and discomfort, before it changed to a calm state. 'This seems... weird... very weird.' He scooted closer towards me and reached his hand out towards me. Cupping my cheek, he analyzed my perplexed expression and smirked. I flinched a bit at his warm touch and locked eyes with his. He brought his face closer to mine and my face heated up as a warmth grew in my chest. 'He is so close,' I thought, looking into his lustrous, blue eyes.

"Jedidiah, what are you doing?"

"Admiring your features, is that wrong?"

"We have to get back to-"

"No. Let's do something else," he said.

His lips almost touched mine as his hot breath tickled my sensitive (s/c) skin. I felt his lips graze my lips, which caused my heart rate to quicken and my cheeks to blush furiously. Before he could lock lips with mine, the door flung open and I heard heavy footsteps tread inside. Jedidiah was grabbed my a security guard and thrown onto the bed before being shot by a tranquilizer. 'What the fuck? He wasn't doing anything bad!' His eyes fluttered shut and the security guard slung Jedidiah over his shoulder.

"Sorry, Ms. (L/n). Jedidiah was getting out of hand."

"No, he wasn't getting out of control at all. He is my patient and I am studying his behavior," I huffed out angrily.

"You must understand that he is mentally unstable. You can study his behavior without him getting close to you. He is a dangerous patient," the security guard said rather coldly.

Before I could lecture him more, the guard left and walked down the hall. I tried to follow, but I was stopped by Dr. Rositani. She looked disappointed and concerned at the same time.

"I need to speak with you now, Ms. (L/n)."

I merely nodded and followed her to her office. 'She sounded so... angry,' I thought while sitting down. She sat across from me while taking a swig of her water. She placed her elbows on her desk and crossed her arms. Her glare was almost strong enough to bore through my skull.

"What happened in there?"

"I-I was just-"

"Were you studying his behavior or did you just want a kiss?"

"Dr. Rositani! Please don't accuse me of such nonsense," I replied.

"Listen, I know there are some attractive patients here but it is STRICTLY  forbidden to perform any intimate action with a patient. They are here for rehabilitation, not for sex or romance. If you offend this rule again, you will be terminated from this internship."

"I... understand. I'm sorry, Dr. Rositani."

"I'll let it slide this time. As soon as Sawyer wakes up, continue your research."

"Will do. Thank you, Dr. Rositani."

"Mhm. In the meantime, make 5 copies of every paper in this stack," she said while handing me a file folder.

"Okay, I got it," I said and headed downstairs to the copy machine room.

'I really have to watch myself,' I thought. As I was making copies, I thought more about what happened between me and Jedidiah. 'We were about to share... a kiss. Why did I feel so angry when it didn't happen?' Two nurses entered the room, gossiping about patients.

"So I was assigned to watch over Voorhees and you wouldn't believe the size of his cock! He undressed for his physical exam and girlllll he was hung like a horse! Maybe I can sneak in his room one day so he can break my back," the blonde nurse pervertedly grinned.

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