Chapter 10-Choice B - A Way Home

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Biting my lip uncomfortably, I contemplated his question. 'Either way, I'm in deep trouble but... How could he threaten me like that? I thought... I was his destined one.' Blood boiled in my veins as I clenched my fists. Jedidiah noticed my face contort into an angry frown. His hand traveled up to my face but I quickly smacked it away. A few tears escaped my furious, (e/c) orbs. He appeared to be stunned beyond belief.

"How could you say you love me... WHEN YOU WON'T LET ME HAVE MY FREEDOM?!"


"I'm sick of this," I seethed out in anger, "I cannot be here anymore and indulge in this... false love. You and your family are murderers... MURDERERS!"

"Don't bring Ma, Drayton, Nubbins, or Grandpa into this," Jedidiah warned.

"You're all INSANE! I can't believe I let myself fall in love so recklessly. I... I need to go."

For a second, I couldn't believe the words that had slipped out of my mouth. My heart ached in disbelief at the harsh words. Jedidiah's bright, blue eyes turned dark and filled with tears. His small smile twitched into a frown.

"You... You don't love me?"

"I... I don't know Jedidiah."

Silence filled the air and made my skin crawl. He stared at me with an unreadable expression as he wept. Goosebumps crept onto the back of my neck as I backed away from him. At this moment, I knew I made a mistake. Erratically, Jedidiah grabbed his chainsaw and slid his mask back on, staring at me with a menacing expression. My feet responded before my mind, running as fast as possible in a random direction. The whirring of a chainsaw echoed in the distance and began to come closer as leaves were crunching beneath my feet. I breathed heavily and continued to run without looking back. My vision began to blur slightly from the dense fog and my hope began to recede slowly. 'No... I can't die here.' A sudden lump came up into my throat and I hacked up a warm, crimson liquid. The blood dribbled onto my (s/c) hand as I gradually slowed down. The whirring of the chainsaw became louder and I crawled behind a nearby tree, trying to cover my mouth.

"I know you're here~," Jedidiah cooed out loud.

My veins ran cold from his menacing tone. His chainsaw wacked against the tree to the right of me, causing the bark to splinter. Gulping hard, I looked away and closed my eyes.

"I can smell you, (Y/n). Your scent cannot hide from me."

Clenching my fists, my adrenaline shot through the roof and influenced me to do the unthinkable. Grabbing the farming scythe from my pocket, I extended my arm out and cut at his ankles. Cocking his head in my direction, he yelped in pain and fell over, holding the wound. Blood spilled from the wounds on his ankle as I took the opportunity to run away. His whines and whimpers echoed in my ears, tearing my heart apart. Biting my lip, I held back tears and tried to calm myself down as I ran aimlessly. 'He never loved you, (Y/n). If he loved you, you would have freedom. If he loved you, he would respect your decision to go home. If he loved you... he would choose you over his family.' Sadness subsidized and was quickly replaced with fuming anger. Looking into the distance, I saw a lone figure standing above something that resembled a corpse. 'No... it can't be-' My thoughts were cut off as something pummeled me to the ground. Hesitating, I squirmed around erratically and tried my best to break free. My (e/c) orbs met familiar a pair of familiar, sea green eyes.

"T-Tate? Is that-"

"Shhhhh," he covered my mouth, "They'll hear you."

Looking over at the figure, I saw it grab the corpse by the legs and drag it off into the darker area of the forest. 'That must've been Nubbins or Drayton,' I thought. Tate helped me up and stared at me with a concerned expression. Giving me a bottle of water, he pulled out a metallic baton from his bag.

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