Chapter 9-Choice A - One of Us

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Looking down nervously, I knew that I had to make a difficult choice. I would have to side with my heart or my mind. Jedidiah's soft hands held onto my own, giving me a firm squeeze. I felt his gaze on my figure as I trembled a bit from fear and confusion. 'I can't leave Jedidiah... he needs me. We are meant to be together.'

"(Y/n)," Jedidiah whispered into my ear, "Please... stay with me."

His head rested on my shoulder, tugging a bit on my (h/c) locks. Arms pressed firmly against my figure as my thoughts faced. I knew I couldn't abandon him. After all, we were destined for each other. My heart pounded against his chest and I let out a shaky breath. His fingers trailed along my back, twirling my hair around. 'I could grow used to the family's insanity since they are... my family.'

"Let's go back," I muttered out.


"I want to go back home with my family, Jedidiah. I want to see Mama Sawyer again... and the others. Most importantly, I need you with me."

The words felt like velvet rolling off my tongue, almost as if it was the most genuine thing I've said in a long time. Everything feels right about my decision, and the long-term goal is what really matters in the end right? My heart continues to try to convince my brain that this life is okay and good for me. I begin to drown out my surroundings and lose myself in thought. Am I starting to unhinge from reality? Or have I always had this loose bolt in my head all along? My thoughts drift off when I feel something shake me slightly.

"Hey (Y/n), are you alright? You've been spacing out on me."

"I'm sorry Jedidiah," I managed to muster out before grabbing a hold of my head. " Jedid-." My words are cut short as I fall forward into my dearest. The last thing I heard was his voice echoing through my head before everything went dark.

3 Hours later

"I don't know what happened she just passed out."

"Maybe you gave her too much of a spook, the girl is a weenie."

"Do you think she'll ever wake up Mama?"

"She better wake up since she's carrying my grandchild."

"I promise I'll keep a better eye out on her Ma. She won't escape again."

"I reckon you bes see that she don't, or else her punishment will be far worse. Now that that's out of the way I'm going to prepare a late snack."

Reader's POV

I hear them chatting about me but I decide to just pretend to still be unconscious. I'm not mentally prepared to face mama Sawyers scolding right now. After about 5 minutes I hear the door shut indicating her departure. Feeling the bed sink slowly from a newly added weight I shift slightly before slowly fluttering my eyes open. My (E/c) orbs flick across the room sluggishly taking in the all too familiar surroundings. 'Well I can't lay here forever' I think to myself while gently poking Jedidah.

"O-Oh you're awake, I was so worried," he said sounding relieved

"Yeah, I'm really sorry about causing you so much trouble. I was just a little overwhelmed is all."


"And I promise I will never cause such a scene again or disappoint your mother."


"And and I wi-" My words were seized by his soft pink tinted lips crashing against my slight trembling ones. Rough yet loving hands carelessly raked through my silky (H/c) locks. It felt as if the troubles from earlier had just washed away, leaving nothing more than a peace and tranquility vibe among us for the rest of the night.

Although, he didn't really vocally accept my apology no words were needed to know that everything was going to be fine. But on the bright side after our cuddling session, I managed to convince them to allow me to get my dear cat, Dexter. He didn't really like the constant screams within the house during the day. But as long as he was by my side he was content. Soon after that months just flew by, and before I knew it, I was giving birth to my beautiful set of twins. They were a great addition to this killing good family. My name is (Y/n) Sawyer, and I am a proud member of the Sawyer family.

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