My soulmate is a werewolf and one of my kidnappers 2-1

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"Umm, Alora?" Rosin asked with uncertainness.

Sighing, I pause in my steps. "If you are going to come home with me, I think you need to follow. Also no cars, I live in the forest and there is no path for a car. So when we are done you will need to come back for them."

I walk off and hear no steps echoing mine, I start to assume that the no car part meant that they would not like to come. Well I had no qualms with that.

"Why do you live in the forest? And you do live in a home correct?" I was beginning to laugh inside at Daren, guess someone cannot handle nature.

"Yes I do live in a house, a three story log home. And the forest is secluded with little going on but animals scurrying about in the brush to disturb my works."

"How far is it to your home?" Awe, did Daren not like to take long walks in the forest? But there was this edge in his voice, as if strained.

"What, afraid the big bad wolf gonna eat ya?" I spoke with a touch of sarcasm and a hint of fun teasing.

"No, I am not afraid of a puny wolf. I would just like to get out of the woods and into a stable structure." Was Daren afraid? He conveyed a small fright, but why.

"By the way, the wolves here are so not puny. They stand to about my upper chest. That reminds me, never go out into the forest here without me. You will most likely get badly wounded or killed. The animals here are petrifying. There is more then wolves in these woods." I relayed with a straight voice hopping that they would listen.

"They why do you live there?" Majin asked as we entered the forest line. All the outer trees were lush but once you walked deeper and went to what I liked to call the killing zone, all the trees became those of nightmares.

The branches barren, gray and rotted. And should you try to pass when there was even the slightest of breezes or just to walk by, the sharp ends would clutch at ones clothes. Yet if you tried to pull away the branches would jab into your skin and rip apart the material it held.

"Because there is little coming or going sides the animals in the brush. It also helps that it is quite so I can concentrate on my vast work."

I was holding my hands clasped behind my back as we walked on. The sun only sprinkled the ground for the canopy of leaves. To my this was my paradise. How people could live in the polluted air of a city I had no clue, but in this massive forest the air was crisp and full of fresh flowering scents.

"You enjoy the forest that much?" Nubian asked with a huddled tone. Did they all have the same aberration that was aimed toward the forest? Could they not stand it as I could?

"Yes, the forest is more home then any populated area with all those fumes and gasses." My voice was light, just like how I felt. Whenever I set foot into this forest it was as if all my troubles melted away.

We strode on in silence for around ten minutes. It was a nice reprieve, till I remembered that I was stuck with them for a few hours. How am I to survive this night?

I held up my hand for then to stop and pulled back a branch, which was coated top to bottom in lush vivid green leaves.

A secret trail appeared and I gestured for the boys to go, they stood there dumbfounded. I had forgotten just how beautiful I had constructed this trail a year ago.

The path was covered in rosewood chips, outlined in rusted stones in shades of red, blue and deep purple. The trees overhead were bent over to create a tunneling feel, even though the trees were completely bare I had decorated then in silk strands. The colors were coppers, golds, slivers, and metallic reds, blue, blacks, purples. There were even chrome strands. But no yellow or brown.

My soulmate is a werewolf and one of my kidnappers?!Where stories live. Discover now