My soulmate is a werewolf and one of my kidnappers 3-4

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I felt like shit, pure and simple.

I could hear the insentient chatter of male voices. It was a bit daunting, and oddly reassuring, then again as the voices increased in arguing, so not.

"Will you all just shut the hell up!" I managed to scream out. The voices swiftly turned to silence. "Thank god." I muttered to myself.

"You're awake?" Marek asked. At the moment I just wanted to roll my eyes at him and tell him, no duh, dumbass.

But instead I spoke or well rather rushed out, "I need a bucket!" I jolted up in bed, do I even wanna know? And held my cold hand over my mouth as someone shoved said needed bucket in front my face. I vomited with a deep burning.

"You done?" Someone asked rudely.

"Noo..." The word was lost as my throat spasm, making me vomit even more. The burning increased and was not in the least bit pleasant.


"If you don't shut up I will force all of this down your throat." I warned as I spit out the remaining bile. I look up to find Marek, Jack, and Daren. Figures.

"It's ok, ignore him." Marek whispered next to me. I look over to him.

He too, looked like hell. Was there a bug going around? He looked a bit pale and his brows were furrowed. "Are you ok? You look sick, Marek?"

He attempted a soft smile. "No worries, I'm fine."

"You sure?" I asked delicately.

"Ya, now how are you feeling? You gave us a bit of a scare."

"Honestly? I do not know and at the moment I could care less." I ended on a haughty note. I kicked my feet over the bed to find I was still in school. Well good for me, now I can get back to class.

I was pushed back down by Jack, of all people.

That irked me, so now to make this a bit fun, even though I had a major headache. "Hey! What the hell! You got a problem? Why do you not take it up with someone your own size!" I got up and moved to be as they say, all up in his face.

His pale blue eyes went wide and he hastily stepped back, and I moved into the vacated spot each time.

"Why the hell does everyone have to pick on the little girl? I f-ing sick of it!" I then turned to Marek who instantly back up a bit. "And you!" I pocked his chest with my pointer finger. "All you have done is pick on me from the start today, what with all of your little jokes!"

"Now sweetie calm down." He spoke in a soft soothing voice, this was a bit fun. I inwardly laugh like crazy. I think I will always remember this moment.

"You know bro I would expect this from Cooper but not you! You are suppose to be setting up a good example for him, but what do you do? You get him to pick on me. I am sick of it! you are suppose to be the mature one here not me, for crying out loud."

"Alora! You need to calm down, I know you are experiencing a lot of stress."

His clam tone did not help. "Stressed out? You have no idea how stressed out I am, what with Da-" I stopped myself short of speaking Darla's name. Sighing, I blow out my breath slowly. "Ok I am better now. What class do we have next?"

"I think it's time for you to go home, you're just to sick." Marek added while rubbing his chin in thought.

"Nope. And last I checked the only one here that has the skills to be a doc is me, not you." I emphasized. I turn to Jack. "So do you know what class is next?"

"I have to agree with Marek, you should go home." He spoke, yet there was this hint that he wanted to get me all alone. Creepy or sexy?

"Well I have work to do, and so little time." I stand back up and push, ok shove Marek away when he tried, once, again, to get me back on the bed. I look at the clock and I was a little after one.

Yay, I get to spend time with Mark. I had a few minutes to get everything and get to his class. Sweet I missed gym.

I grab my bag from by the bed and stuff my killer shoes away. I calmly walk over to the nurse. "I am felling better now. So I will go back to class now." I diligently spoke.

"Alrighty then dear, just be sure to drink some fluids, you probable just go dehydrated.

"Yes, of course, dehydrated." My words were a bit animated but mesmerizing. I smiled and walked away.

"Oh Alora!" the nurse called back. I turn my head around. "You need to wear your shoes in school." I nodded, indicating I heard her and with a huff took the minute to tie them up.

I cautiously stood and made my way to the lunch room. Students were just filling it up. I grab a blue tray today and make my way through the line, I did not mind the wait.

I had something to think about, that little dream thing. I knew that they all were not normal, or human for that matter. But now I felt a bit at a loss. This was a bit cruel, the fact that it was shown to me, and I still could not figure it out. How daunting.

Sighing I did not even look at my tray as I made my way to my class. However I did notice the foot sticking out, that was trying to trip me. I just hop over the foot and was back on my marry way. I heard the person growl behind my back in anger, too bad.

In a hop and a skip, figuratively, I was standing in front my class room door. I balance my tray in one hand and open the door.

A black fog swept out encasing the hallway into a pitch dark. My tray dropped to the ground and did not even make a single sound. I remain perfectly still trying to figure out what the heck was going on.

The air thickened and tightened around my body. I started to feel faint. Just great, just fucking great. Will I ever be able to get around today?

I blame it on the shoes, never has my school life been so eventful as today.

I try to take a step forward but it seemed as if I were glued to the spot. The black miasma appeared for all intents and purposes solid. Maybe I was just blacking out? Na.

I tried to do something, anything at all. But I could think of nothing, it was as if this black cloud was also inside of my mind. I could think nothing, and feel nothing but the start of a deep pain.

Then it all stopped and colors flowed back to my eyes and light to my surroundings. I felt a grip on my shoulder, holding tight. It was probably the only thing that had kept me on my feet.

I bolt to the bathroom not looking to see who had held my shoulder. I quickly open a stall and vomit once again today. It was a sharp pain to throw up my stomach acid because I had nothing else to eat.

I heard the bathroom door open and ignored it as my throat heaved some more.

The door stall opened and my hair was pulled back. "Shh, it's ok Alora. It's ok."

I look to see Mark. I had a moment where I jerked from him. "Ahh, what are you doing in the girl's bathroom?!" I was flustered.

He smiled softly. "Feeling better?" He tilted his head to the side as he looked down at me.

"Umm-" My answer was to bend back over and heave once more. He patted my back softly. I nod my head when I stopped. He helped me to my feet and over to the sink. I rinse the vile taste from my mouth with water.

I look up at the mirror to see that there were black streaks running along my neck. "Ahh!" It was as if someone dipped their fingers in ink and slashed it across my neck.

I saw Mark stiffen in the mirror. I barely heard the low growl from his voice. "Darla."


Sorry for the long wait, and the short chapter. But now that break is right around the corner I should be able to get some more uploaded quickly!

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