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My soulmate is a werewolf and one of my kidnappers?!

Five years ago

Her hands cradled the top of her head and chin, silently she cried as she jerked her hands. A sickening crack permeated the air. She fell to her knees and then flat on her face.

No sound took to the air, even the wind stopped from blowing across the land.

Another crunch followed by cracks echoing the first.

The girl stood back up on shaking legs, the effort straining and taking most of her remaining resolve.

"Why won't you let me die in piece?" She asked softly as her neck knitted back the broken bones and torn muscles.

I need you alive. The deep voice spoke in her mind.

"I'll just keep killing myself till you let me die." She was so determined to end her existence.

And I'll just keep healing all your inflicted wounds. Simple as that my dear.

The girl raised her hand and ran it quickly over here neck. Blood bubble forth as a gurgling of her breath escaped through the deep gash at her throat. The blade cutting deep.

I can heal all the damage you cause girl, but I grow wearier with each attempt.

Unyielding in her choice she put her free hand into the gash and tugged at the sides enlarging the hole at the same time it stitched back together.

I will take over if I must to force you to live girl. The voice grew haughtier with its anger apparent.

"What if I don't want to live? I have no reason to continue on, all thanks to you!" She spat into the air. The hand at her throat pulled from her command and jerked back and forth as they battled to control the arm.

It was all circumstantial but a necessary action that had to be taken.

"You took everything away from me, everyone." Her voice cracked and tears threatened to let loose but she forced them back.

It had to be done, now get over it. It's done and over.

"I'll show you done and over. I will die today." Grim determination stiffened her tone of words.

No you will not. You are mine, and you will live whither or not you want to. If you wish to die that is your problem, cause you will never die till I wish it. And my dear that will not be for a very long time.

She could tell the voice smirked in her head and she would do as she planed. There was no other way around it. it had to be done.

She walked to the edge of the high cliff and peered down. Formations of reddish brown rock chunked and spilt off for hundreds of meters down till the jagged boulders rested at the bottom surrounded by the dark crystal blue water.

Watch me now bitch. She thought to the voice. "I know you won't be able to heal my body if all my bones are broken and my brain matter spilling over the rock as my body falls deep under the water. Sinking to the bottom with no way to get back up." Yes watch me finally kill myself.

I'll control you! The voice was frantic in its words. You won't die! I'll make sure you won't!

"Then watch as I contradict you and die." She leaned over the edge.

Pain immediately blossomed over her entire body and being, she welcomed the sensation as her last few moments. Her eyes shut tight through her affirmation that she had followed through. However something felt wrong. Her body should feel as if it were breaking not splitting into strips.

Opening her eyes she was astonished to see that she was on solid ground with grass underneath her body. Even more so when she saw the black tendrils dragging her back from the cliff's edge, one she was positive she had jumped off, and toward the trees.

She struggled madly to escape, to no avail. The coils around her body taut and rigid, forcing out her breath with each exhalation.

I told you I would not let you die.

Her arms were jerked up and pulled from the sockets with a tear and painful pop.

Servers you right for what you did, stupid girl! And the pain is just beginning.

Her hands were pulled up a branch and tied tightly with coils. Another was around her waist, propping her up in place so as no to keep all her weight on her bound hands. There was also one around her ankles keeping them firmly in place so she couldn't kick or anything.

The rest of the black masses dripped and pooled in front of her, raising up and forming a swarming black likeness of her, but spiked everywhere as if it were magnetic and magnets trying to rend it apart.

It smiled hungrily at her with its sharp pointed teeth.

You will never be able to escape me and my control. I will ensure your life will last for a very long time.

"I'll never let you take over me!" She yelled at the black mass, it looked mad a moment then smirked as her mouth was covered in the black slime.

Your body will now be under my complete control. And there is nothing that you will be able to do about it. But don't worry, The black cooed. I will still let you have some control. But only when I am sure that you will do everything I tell you to do. Your life is no longer your own dear.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" She screamed even through the slime, but already the black tendrils touched over her body. Forcing its way inside, her struggles ceasing completely as her mind was wrenched from its proper place.

Darkness swirled all around her conscience, dragging it into the unknown depths in the alcove of her mind that the voice intended to imprison her within.

My soulmate is a werewolf and one of my kidnappers?!Where stories live. Discover now