Hour Three: Dr. Pepper

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Ben tucks his Laptop back into his messenger bag just as the flight attendant starts to gather drink orders, making her way slowly down the aisle. He tries not to think about what he just did, but his mind keeps running back to the email he just sent to the lovely ScavengerGirl5102 and he can't help but feel on edge. Luckily she won't be reading it on the plane. Ben cannot even fathom the anxiety that would give him,  just thinking about it makes his hands shake. 

Essentially he should be fine. The whole reason Ben decided to pack up and move to NYC, along with other reasons of course, was to work at a publishing company that he applied for and work towards seeing his own work hit the shelves. Something is different when he knows the person reading it though. He can't help but cringe at the hums and intakes of breath that people free while reading, wondering if they are negative reactions to his work. Ben just knows that if he had to wait for her beautiful hazel eyes to finish flitting across the screen the world that is his thoughts would drive him mad. 

Ben takes a breath in attempts to calm his mind before it consumes him whole like the Sacheon beast of his story. 

Make conversation Ben, distract yourself before you start to bring your past into the mix of spiraling. 

"So ScavengerGirl5102," He says making use of her email name in attempts to make her blush. It works. "Are you flying back home or visiting someone?" 

Oh boy here we go at attempts at small talk. His mind whispers as she takes her time replying.

Rey stares at him for a moment unable to escape the enigma that is his eyes, his whole face actually, before realizing that she is staring. 

"Oh! Right," She coughs a little before adding, "I'm coming home. I just visited Finn." 

The mention of this "Finn" Ben can start to feel his cheeks heat. There is maybe a little bit of jealously hidden somewhere in his gaze too, though he would never admit that.

 He somehow had the idea that Rey would be single. His brain is quick to tell him the stupidity of that thought, considering that he has already discovered her attractiveness. He can also tell that her personality is definitely a quality many would look for. Now Ben is starting to wonder why he even thought she wouldn't be in a relationship, and lord knows he wouldn't have a chance with her.

She seems to understand where his mind is racing though because she quickly adds, In that adorable way of hers, "He is a friend from college, graduated last year. We both came from the foster system, connected over that when we met, and have been friends ever since." 

"Oh." Is all he can seem to make out. 

Luckily before they both lapse into awkward silence the attendant finally makes it to their seats. 


"Can I get a Dr. Pepper please." Rey says as the attendant skips over the man asleep in the window seat. Ben had forgotten he was even there. 

"And for you sir?"

"Dr. Pepper as well." 

Rey looks over to him as the attendant continues along, grinning broadly. 

"What?" Ben asks, suddenly very aware of his existence in this earth, hoping he didn't royally fuck up something. 

"I'm glad you're a DP person, I don't know if I could keep talking to you if you favored pepsi." Her smile is enough to knock him off his feet. Ben is suddenly very grateful for the cramped airplane seat to support his weight.

Their conversation lightens after that, and Ben finds himself lost in conversation with this stranger. Rey does most of the talking, for that he is grateful. He thinks. 

Ben has now noticed things about her, for instance the way her face lights up when she talks about her friends, or how she animates with her hands, and it has now pulled him into a sort of trance that he can't comprehend. He wants to curse whoever blessed him with the gift that is Rey. A gift that he knows he can never have. 

So he fakes a facade of confidence and mirth hoping he doesn't look like a complete fool, cherishing these moments like the idiot he is, already knowing this girl he met on the plane has nestled into his heart forever.

Hey! So blaahhhhh this chapter makes me second guess my abilities of storytelling. Regardless i hope you liked it. This is just fluff, i honestly don't think there is a plot. I really strive to have complex characters but this is what i ended up with! 

Anywho, yeah! Thank you so much for the comments and votes, they inspire me to keep writing. Also feel free to PM or comment me ideas for either this book or my oneshots and ill see about adding parts of those :) 

I love all my readers! You make me so happy!!!

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