Baggage Claim

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The plane takes forever to unload, but it also doesn't help that they are at the back of the plane.

Rey gingerly taps the unknown man next to her as the row in front of them stands up, and he blinks awake thanking her. She has no idea how he was able to stay asleep during the entire flight, but she is really glad he wasn't dead. 

It's only when the other passengers start moving down the aisle that Rey removes her hand from Ben's. She is sad at the loss of contact, her body yearning for more, but she reminds herself that they have only known each other for six hours and that they had spent the last hour holding hands. She shouldn't feel anything. 

Ben stands up and, because the universe hates her, hands her down the broken duffel she calls her own, just making her love him more. 

Love? Wait..What?

She shakes off whatever it was that made her think that and walks out in front of him. 

Once they are off the plane he asks her, "Did you check bags?"

"Yeah, one. Your'e going to laugh when you see it. It is bright yellow with pink stripes." 

He grins at her comment and she can't help but feel like there is relief in his eyes, almost as if he was hoping she checked a bag so he could be with her longer. 

Their bags are both the last to arrive.


He grabs hers and then his own and they just stop. 

She doesn't have words, and apparently neither does he. 

Suddenly he moves, slowly, toward her, and takes her hand in his once more. Rey is rendered even further speechless. 

"God okay." He takes a deep breath as if to muster the courage to say something Rey really hopes he says. "I don't know what this is but I feel something here. I want to know if you feel the same because I promised when I decided to move here that I wouldn't let opportunities pass me up. And Rey... I feel like I was given an opportunity when you got on that plane."

"I feel it too." 

It's all she can say before he gets a little closer leaning down slightly. 

"May I kiss you?" He barely has time to finish the question when she closes the space and presses her lips to his. 

Her body is electric. 

Rey can't believe this. She cant process it in any sense; it feels like the past six hours shes been trapped in a romcom, but Rey can't seem to mind. 

She moans against Ben's mouth as he deepens the kiss and for the first time nothing is on his mind. Nothing but her. 

Reluctantly Rey pulls away, smiling and pressing her mouth together as if to remind herself of what just happened. 

"That was a really nice speech you gave," she says, voice ever so slightly tinted with sarcasm.

"Well I am an author remember." 

Yes, Rey remembers. She will never forget anything about this man. 

"Oh here!" He pulls his phone out of his pocket, unlocks it, and hands it to her. "I would really like to get to know you more. Plus you can give me feedback on my book." 

The phone prompts a promise of something, and as she enters her number she can't help but float away to a dream she hopes will come true. 

She hands it back and smiles. It warms Ben's heart. 

"Text me first, my phone is still dead."

He nods, and then Rey is on him again and he smiles through the kisses.

"Okay I really have to go now, Rose is probably driving around looking for me."

He lets her go and she trots away waving back behind her. 

That night Rey doesn't sleep. 

Instead she reads.

And reads.

And reads.

The second she finishes she sends him a text, not caring it was three in the morning.

--I finished your book. 

He responds within seconds.

> Oh?


--I had one issue with it though..

> and that is?

-- the smut is so so. 

-- I feel like I could help you come up with better ways to write it though ;)

> By all means, show me. 

Hiiiiiii! It is complete! I might go through and edit a few chapters, but this is the resolution. I really hope you enjoyed the story. Comment, vote, all that fun stuff! And thank you so so much for reading this!

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