Hour Two: High Fantasy

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Ben is baffled. Completely and utterly baffled.
Somehow Rey, with that beautiful smile that lights up her face and those adorable freckles, has instilled a confidence in him; she managed to get him to actually talk about his book, which he vowed never to do. Not after that incident.

She's either genuinely interested in it too, or a really good actor. He can't help but think the latter, but that is to be expected after years of negativity towards the characters that got him through boarding school. 

He was constantly reminded of how intense they were, and that the story was filled with a darkness that would disturb the readers. But as he tells her about his fantasy world and his main character he can't help but feel as if she does really care.

He started writing it halfway through his first year of boarding school, probably in attempt to help with the feelings of abandonment he felt from his parents. Ben can still vividly remember the nights he stayed up writing in his beat up journal because he couldn't fall asleep, mind racing and spiraling. 

Ben tells her all of this before stopping himself. 

You just met her, she doesn't want to hear about your fucked up life.

"Okay so its a high fantasy, and your main character left his Uncle's Academy because he betrayed his trust and tried to kill him?" Rey says after a pause in his talking. Ben cant help but stare at her in awe. She actually listened. 

"That is correct."

"And this Snoak person was in his mind, did he talk to Kylo, or was he just a presence?" Her eyes light up now, and Ben can't help himself. He is suddenly getting lost in the hazel of her eyes. The character in his book, Kira, has hazel eyes; now he knows the perfect way to describe them. 

"Snoak had been in his mind since before he was born, and yes he talked to him. For a while I think Kylo just thought it was his mind. I like to think that is why Kylo had further been swayed to join him. Snoak had been a constant in his life, perhaps the only one he had, and probably going to him came across as a good idea at the time. I like to think that Snoak, as an abuser, came across as comforting to him in a time of hopelessness, and because of that and other reasons Kylo felt like he was his only option, but he soon realized his mistake as he went though years of mental and physical abuse," Ben adds. This is the part people don't understand. They make Kylo out as a monster, when in reality his is one of the main protagonists. 

Ben's uncle once got his hands on his book. He read it, and like everyone else immediately saw Kylo as a villain who was an idiot not smart enough to understand the situation and choose correctly. 

"It seems like Kylo was let down and misunderstood by everyone in the story who needed to support him." 

Ben's thoughts stop. 

Rey, she is the first one to come to that conclusion. She is the first one to understand, and it makes him take a moment to regroup his thoughts. 

She continues fiddling with her earbuds. "Would you mind if I read it?"

Ben's breath hitches and suddenly the spark of hope he had towards his book is gone. 

She is going to hate it, once she reads the whole story. She only knows part of it, what is she going to think about me if she even has the guts to finish it. 

Her gaze shifts to meet his and suddenly he doesn't care. This book, the very epitome of everything he is, will give her more access to him than his spoken words ever would, and Ben wants that. He wants her to know him like no one else, and finds he wants to know her too. 

Stop it! Stop! You barely know her, once you get off the plane you'll never see her again, there is literally no reason to feel the way you are feeling so stop. 

"You don't have to if you're not comfortable. I just mean... I just, id like to read it. It sounds interesting." Rey shuffles in her seat a bit and Ben can start to see a blush rise to her cheeks. 

"Yeah, you can read it. I'm warning you though, I only gave you a brief rundown off all the stuff in that story." He fakes confidence and shifts down to pull out his laptop which holds his edited version before adding over his shoulder. "Its technically a romance novel, you'll have to tell me if my smut meets your standards." 

Her cheeks become very heated in that moment and Rey has to force herself not to giggle like a little girl. 

What have I gotten myself into. They both think as they run their fingers through their hair.

A/N: Hey! Sorry for the short chapter, I have been super busy! Please tell me what you think of Ben's perspective, I am a little unsure about it. Overall not my favorite chapter, I've been in a funk lately, but I'm hoping the next chapter will be better. Let me know what you want to see in the next part! Thank you to everyone who is reading this story it means a lot to me!

Be sure to vote if you liked it, and PLEASE don't feel afraid to comment! Okay i'll stop rambling now!

Ps: I know i spelled Snoke wrong, that was deliberate.

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