Hour Six: Holding hands

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Rey did not like turbulence.

That is an understatement. Rey HATES turbulence. Yeah sure she knows that planes rarely crash, and that she is probably 99.999 percent safe, but still.

She also has never felt turbulence this bad.

It looks like were in Lost!

Cramped spaces were fine with her. They had to be fine with her because there was no way she could have survived Plutt's if she was claustrophobic, but being in a cramped space suspended 35,000 feet in the air when the plane is lurching and falling? Yeah no.

She frantically grasps the arm rests when the place hits an air pocket and plummets a few good feet.

Her eyes are closed and she's trying to breathe normally when suddenly she feels a warmth over her left hand.

Her breath catches, and it's not because of the flight.

And when she looks up at him, and those glorious eyes, she can see something there.

No, its just you're hopeful heart. You are doing it again. Making things something they aren't.

He is blushing though. This Rey cannot deny. Ben's ears are red and his cheeks are slowly following suit.

And Rey just stares.

"Sorry. Shit I," He removes his hand.

"No! Oh sorry I mean... I just... that actually helps."

Her body moves before her brain can shut down the action and she flips her hand upward and takes his in her own. She lets her brain go then, not even bothering to shut it down, and Rey can't help but think that her hand fits perfectly in his.

Like she was made to be holding his hand.

And so much more.

This whole interaction is not helping Ben any though. His mind is raging, with so many thoughts.


He knows this feeling. He knows it all to well. It is so easy for him to get overwhelmed, and right now this interaction is very close to tipping him over the edge.

Overwhelmed on a plane is never good.

Freaking out in front of a girl that he has just met and somehow already really really likes... thats worse. But his brain takes over.

He thinks about Rey. Everything she could mean to him, and his brain actually hates him because he imagines coming home to her every night. Rey standing there in support of his book if he ever got the damn thing published, and kissing her.

It further torments him by conjuring up an image. One of him taking her over every surface his brain can think of. He wonders what she sounds like when she comes.

He wonders what she tastes like.

But the thoughts that come after those fantasies, they torment him to no end. They have been tormenting him since he was young.

What happens when she realizes how fucked up I am.

I don't deserve anything she could give me.

She doesn't deserve to be weighed down by someone like me.

Rey deserves to fly, and I would only clip her wings.

He can't do this now. He can't.

So he tries to tether himself to reality, not get lost in his thoughts so much that they pull him away. Following his therapist's advice he focuses on the warmth of her hands. They are calloused, and yet surprisingly smooth. Ben tries to make his thoughts stop, not thinking about whatever this might mean and just enjoys that it's happening.

Rey becomes his tether.

They stay like this the rest of the flight until they land, and the second those tires hit the tarmac Ben knows he can't lose the possibility of this. Whatever this is.

Hello! So Im wrapping this story up there will probably only be one more chapter after this. I am so so grateful for all of my readers, you guys are the best!

Please leave comments and votes of you enjoy, and feel free to comment or message me with any other reylo Au ideas you might want to see in the future!

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