Hour Four: Tolkien

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"He's been asleep for four hours. Should we see if he is still alive?" Ben jokes nodding towards the other passenger in their row.

They have been talking for an hour now, and Rey... well to be completely honest she forgot that they weren't alone. She's embarrassed by that thought. Now aware of how utterly distracted she has been by this very handsome, not quite stranger that is Ben. In her defense she is lacking in the entertainment department for this flight.

Their conversation has proven a very reasonable replacement though. And Rey has learned a lot about Ben this past hour. For instance, once they got past the initial attempts at awkward conversation his sense of humor shined through.

I'm screwed.

She has somehow fallen down a chasm of attraction toward this man. Well, no she hasn't fallen. Rey has willingly jumped without an understanding as to why. The realization hits her like a brick wall as she stares back at him, smile plastered on her face before responding.

"Who knows if he's actually been asleep? Maybe he has enjoyed listening to our suspenseful conversation." Rey adds, voice dripping in sarcasm.

She gets a smile  from that.

"You're right, we shouldn't expose him like that," He responds before taking the final sip of his Dr. Pepper.

"So why fantasy?" Rey asks before mimicking his action, pathetically shaking the small plastic cup to get the last drop.

Ben ponders her question for a moment before responding, his face lost in contemplation; and it shouldn't, but the expression kills her.

"I hate to give such a dull answer, but it just was what I read when I was younger." He pauses before adding, "You get transported to a different place. I used it as an escape for most of my childhood. Hell, I can probably recite all of Tolkien." He laughs quietly, his gaze far off in what Rey assumes is remembrance; there is a sadness there.

Its moments like this that makes her realize there is something more to his past. Something he won't say, and Rey's mind is quick to remind her that he has no need to tell her his whole life story. They have only known each other for four hours, but Rey wants to know. She has this weird rooted desire to comfort him. To learn about everything that haunts him and to be there. To help him.

She closes the thought before she can over analyze it.

"Really I took you as more of a Martin fan."

He quips back at her, "Oh I was, still am actually, but it took me a bit to get through the books. Dare I say I like the show better?"

"Yes!" Rey exclaims, "My roommate Rose, she's a die hard original everything fan. God don't even get me started about her and Star Wars."

"Let me guess she's an original trilogy only fan?"

"Yup! She's all against Disney and the new trilogy. Don't get me wrong I love Rose but she refuses to see the blatantly clear romantic tension between the main characters. I mean how much more proof do you need! J.J. Abrams called them his prince and princess before The Last Jedi, it's been their thing since the beginning!" Rey stops, suddenly very aware that he may not have the same view as her.

She looks at him sheepishly, realizing her rant and hoping he is not an anti.

Ben is grinning ear to ear.

She's literally perfect. He thinks.

Not only does she know her fantasy, but she also has the same Star Wars views as him. How did he get so lucky?

Rey blushes before letting out a little 'sorry', and Ben... he can't.

Watching her little rant did things to him. Serious things; and now because he is caught in the moment and can't stop his brain from saying.

"You're absolutely perfect."

Hello everyone! I apologize for yet another short chapter, I just wanted to end this here. In case you're confused as to how Star Wars works in their world (because Kylo and Kira are characters in Ben's book etc) just think of the storyline as the same but the characters have different names.

Please feel free to comment moments of fluff you might want to see in this story and I'll try to incorporate them into the story!

Yep okay... I think that's it.

Till next time!!

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