Hour Five: Please fasten your seatbelts

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Rey brushed aside the comment with a blush and a laugh, unsure how to respond. 

He was probably joking.

She lets her mind talk her out of thinking he may, with some shred of hope, have any sort of interest in her. 

Rey also tries to let her mind convince her that she is not interested in him, which is completely false. 

How could she not be. 

She knew she was fucked the moment she laid eyes on him. 

And no she was definitely not imagining running her hands through his hair, or planting kisses up and down that scar that disappeared down his chest... 

No, Rey was not thinking those things. 

Okay she might be thinking a little bit about those things. 

She realizes shes staring again and goes a darker shade of pink. 

You have got to get a hold of yourself. 

She opts to go to the bathroom before she does something stupid that she will most definitely regret. Ben stands up to let her out of the seat and once again she is struck by just how tall he is. Before she can stop herself her mind makes up a scenario where she may or may not be pressed up against a wall by that massive body and... 

God! Stop it!

She rushes to the bathroom at the front of the plane, not even bothering to check and see if the back lavatory was occupied. She needed all the time she could get, otherwise the irrational part of her brain would overload and she would say or do god knows what. 

Who knew spending  five hours on a plane with an unreasonably attractive man would do this to her. 

Ben couldn't stop himself from staring at her as she made her way down the aisle of the plane. 

He thinks, no he knows, this woman was made to kill him. 

No one could be that perfect. 

And, oh, he had said just that. 

That is probably why she is leaving. She doesn't like you like that and she is trying to figure out how to deal with you. 

His mind wages war and he sits back down, running his hand through his hair. 

Good job Ben. Gone and fucked everything up again haven't you.

There was no way he stood a chance with her. No way at all. She still had a life to live, and Ben... well Ben would only ruin it. 

That still didn't solve his problem though. No matter how hard he tried he would still be attracted to her, and it was taking some serious self control to not make that blatantly obvious.

But his body was a traitor to his mind. 

When she returned he, again, stood up for her. But clearly the world hated him because the second she moved to scoot past him back to her seat the plane gave a lurch and the next thing he knew she was pressed against him and it did things to him. 

The pilot's voice came on the intercom a second later announcing a second later that they would be hitting turbulence and everyone needed to remain in their seats. 

Fuck me. 

He pulled the seatback tray down in hopes of concealing the hardness that developed in his pants, and buckled in. 

Just one hour left he thought. 

And Rey reminded herself of the same. 

Hello! Long time no see. Anyway i really hope you enjoy this chapter. This story will be wrapping up soon, probably only two more chapters to go. I really love experimenting with AU reylo short stories so if any of you have ideas or suggestions of what i should do after this just message me or comment! I love you all, thanks for reading :) <3

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