{ 3 } Waking Up

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{ Silver's POV }

A week later...

I looked up to see Dr Carlisle Cullen, the doctor who had been here for most of his life.

I smiled and he smiled down at me.

"Hello Silver Swan. How are you feeling?" He asked and I looked at him. "A little strange but that could be from the blood loss. Lightheaded and nausea often happens right?"

I asked and he nodded.

"Correct. You would be a good med student, if you ever wanted me as a reference, I would be happy to oblige." He said and I smiled slightly.

"Thank you Doctor Cullen, but I think I'll be alright for now at least."

I said and he nodded. Since I had been in here for almost more then a week, I was ready to leave, no matter what it takes.

"You may go. But please call if you feel any nausea or lingering effects. Your father will have my number."

And I flinched. "I'm not staying with him anymore. I will be staying with the Calls." I said and he nodded slightly in understanding.

"You're free to go Silver Swan. Now I'm prescribing you a good two days of rest. Miss your first day of school at La Push to rest." Carlisle said and I nodded. "Thank you Dr Cullen."

I said and walked out of the room. I walked into the waiting room where Embry leaped up and barreled into me, almost knocking me over.

"Hey Embry. You mind going easy on the ribs?" I squeaked and he released his grip slightly. "Sorry. I just thought you were..." And I looked at him.

"Remember the promise? Always and Forever Embry. I'm not leaving you." I said and he nodded and I hugged him.

"Let's go." I said and we walked out to the parking lot. Sam and Jared were talking next to Embry's truck.

"It's been a while you two." I said and they both jumped. "Well yeah. We've been busy." Jared stammered while Sam nodded. "Busy around the trails."

He said and I nodded.

"I used to know everything that went through this town. Now I'm one of the last to know." I said and he nodded.

"We have to go."

Sam said abruptly and Jared followed him, jogging away after him. Embry growled and I looked at him. "You okay?" I asked and he nodded slightly.

"Just a little tired." He said and I saw the dark circles around and under his eyes. "Did you get any sleep while I was in there?"

I asked and he shook his head. "Not really. I was in the parking lot most of the time, lying on the hood." He said and I looked at him and sighed, my eyes glowing with sympathy.

"Let me drive." I said and he nodded slightly, clearly half asleep already.

He opened his door and got in. He buckled up as I did the same on the other side and started the engine. I noticed the sputtering sound.

"Hey Embry, don't you think you should..." And I looked over at him and saw he was asleep, head against the window. I sighed and smiled slightly, brushing his hair out of his eyes as I drove off. I stopped at the house and he murmured in his sleep.

I walked upstairs with him in my arms. I sort of struggled under his weight, but I was strong despite my skinny exterior.

I tucked him into bed and I walked to my room and fell asleep. Suddenly I woke up to my room destroyed and I was looking down at my paws... Wait what? Paws?! I tried to yell but all that came out was a yelp. I looked at my mirror and saw that I was a giant wolf that barely fit in my room.

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