{ 1 } Happy Birthday Sort of

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{ Silver's POV }

It was my 17th birthday and I was doing pushups in my room. I smiled and turned my music off as my phone rang. I picked it up and looked at the screen and saw Embry's smiling picture. "Hey Call." I said and I could practically see his glowing smile.

"Hey Swan." He said and I smiled and looked at the clock. "You do realize it's midnight right Embry?" I said and he laughed and I felt my heart lifting.

"Yeah. But can you come to First Beach? It's kind of important."

Embry said and I looked at him.

"Alright." I said and hung up.

I cut the engine of my motorcycle and kicked the stand down.

I walked onto First Beach and looked around and suddenly heard a huge shouting of surprise! "Ugh!" I yelled as I jumped as I was surrounded by the Quilete guys plus Leah Clearwater.

"You guys know I hate parties." I said and Sam smiled, stepping out from the crowd of Quiletes.

"Yeah well, this isn't a party."

And they showed me a huge bonfire. "Thanks guys. This is great." I said and Embry plopped himself down next to me with Seth on my other side. "Let's do presents." Leah said and all the boys cheered. I sighed as a multitude of presents were piled in front of me.

I picked up the first one and it was fairly heavy. "That one's from me." Jacob said and I chuckled as I opened it. "Oh cool!" I said and saw the stack of my cover CD's. "Thanks Jake."

I said and he nodded and I threw the wrapping into the fire. I opened Sam's which was a guitar. "Thanks Sam." I said and he nodded in understanding and I looked at him and nodded.

I opened Quil's which was a baseball bat, perfectly balanced. "This is great. Thanks Quil." I said and swung it and almost cracked Seth's skull open.

"Oh crud. Sorry Seth." I said and he nodded. "No problem." He said, his eyes wide from the quick dodge. Paul had gotten me a new camera and I chuckled. "Thanks Lahote." I said and he nodded and I snapped a picture.

"Delete that!"

He yelled and chased me around.

Colin got me a bracelet that turned into a necklace if you stretched it enough.

Seth and Leah gave me two opposite bracelets with opposite symbols of ying and yang on them.

Embry gave me a bracelet that was the Quiletes' version of a promise ring, much to the amusement of all the other guys.

I took a walk on the beach to get away from the craziness of the boys and Leah.

I sat next to the water, my back against a rock that I often sat at to think. I sighed and looked at the bracelet, thinking.

"If it was too much, I can give it to someone else." And I jumped at Embry's quiet voice. "No Em. It's alright, I was just a little surprised."

I said and he nodded slightly.

"Always and forever right?" I asked and he nodded in understanding and sat next to me. I leaned against him and felt his warm arms wrap around me, and eventually fell asleep in his arms, to the sound of his steady heartbeat, and to the sound of the waves lapping at the shore.

I woke up to Embry asleep next to me, his hair falling in his eyes. I moved his hair out of his eyes and he opened his eyes. "Nice to see you two."

And I looked up to see Charlie standing there. "No note! Window open! If I hadn't run into Sam I would've filed a missing person report!" Charlie yelled and I flinched.

"And your sister is coming today! So go home and get yourself dressed up!"

And I stood up, my fists clenched at my sides. "No. I'm hanging in La Push for the day."

I said stubbornly and he looked at me.

"No you aren't. You're banned from La Push. If anyone sees you go near that border, you're in trouble. And that includes them coming to see you!"

And I flinched, feeling like I had been slapped. "But Mr Swan..." Embry began but Charlie shook his head and held up a hand. "I appreciate the advice but my decision stands. You're not to visit her for a month... Is that a promise bracelet?!" He roared and I looked at him and nodded slowly.

"Throw it away!" He yelled and I shook my head. "No. Now get out." I said and coldly and he looked at me. "Do I have to take you in?" He asked coldly. "Not if you leave me alone!"

I yelled and he flinched. "You're so lucky that your brother is here. Or is he your boyfriend? I lose track." And I flinched and felt my body tense up.

"That's rich coming from you who dumped my mother on the spot to marry Bella's mom!" I snapped and he flinched and slapped me. I felt my face swelling and he stormed away.

Embry let out an animal-like noise and helped me back to his truck.

We threw my motorcycle into the back and I got into the passenger seat.

"Has he always hit you?"

Embry asked quietly.

"Yeah." I said quietly and Embry cut the engine and pulled over, his eyes on me, concerned. "What Embry?" I whispered and he touched my arm where I had secured the promise ring.

"I'm always here Silver. If anything happens, I'm here to help. I've got your back through anything. Even through hell and back." Embry said.

I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"And if you're not there when it happens?" I asked and my voice was strangled with emotions. "I will be. I'm not leaving you." He said and I looked at him and he kissed my forehead. "I'd better take you home."

He said and I looked at him with grateful eyes. "A month without all of you guys..." I said and Embry sighed.

"I know." And I walked inside, limping slightly. I stormed upstairs and found someone in my room.

I had a baseball bat and I swung hard and a girl yelled. I pulled back on the bat again, only to see Leah there, and she was holding a giant cake shaped like a miniature La Push.

"Oh wow Leah." I said and suddenly climbing in my window was Colin, Paul, Jacob, Jared, and Quil.

Finally it was Sam and Embry. "Okay you guys know you aren't supposed to be here." I said and looked at them all with pain in my eyes. "We don't care. Let us get in trouble. We don't care."

Jacob said and sat on my desk next to Colin. Seth and Leah sat on the floor and so did Sam, his hand around Leah's smiling.

I sat on my desk chair, only to find that it was already occupied.


And I looked to see I had sat on Embry's leg. "Oh jeez Ember I'm sorry." I said and moved out of the way, sitting on my bed as Leah cut the cake and passed it around.

"Thanks Leah."

I said and she smiled and hugged me as I ate my cake. After we had finished, we played a huge game of Monopoly in pairs.

Sam with Leah, Colin with Jared, Seth with Jacob, Paul with Quil, and Embry and I.

Embry and I ended up winning, causing Paul to flip the board like normal, and eventually they snuck downstairs and stole all the pop out of the fridge and began to swig it down.

Eventually we were all so exhausted that we all just fell asleep in different parts of my room.

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