{ 11 } Home Is Where You Are

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{ Silver's POV }

I looked at Embry who whistled and I shook my head. "Don't give me the whistle. Tell me what you actually think." I said and he smiled.

"You look amazing. Now will you tell me what you're dressing up for?" He asked and I looked at him. "Happy early birthday Embry Call."

And I tossed him a huge box.

He smiled and caught it. "You didn't have to..." And he stopped speaking. He opened the package and there was a memory board, with a mixture of sketches drawn by me, and photos that Emily took of us as a pack and as wolves. "Silver." He said and I looked at him, my eyes smiling at him.

"You're amazing you know that."

He said and I looked at him.

"Does that mean it's good?" I asked and he smiled. "Cause you've got about 11 more!" And Paul led the charge inside with the memory boards that I had helped the pack make, including Emily and Sam.

I pulled out a framed painting of Embry as a wolf, plus $100 dollar bill. "What's this for?" Embry asked, as I shoved the money into his hand.

"For the frame idiot." I said and he laughed and I hugged him tightly and saw Sam standing there outside the window. "Sam what is it?" I asked.

"Red haired female leech." And I looked at the pack. "Paul, Jared with Sam. I'll patrol one border on my own. Embry stay here with the imprints." I said and he looked at me.


He asked and I didn't look at him, I was too busy pulling off my jacket.

"You heard me." I said and leaped out the window, landing on four paws lightly. He looked at me and I shook my head and raced off. I found the scent immediately and ran off.

I caught sight of her and she was furious and she charged, catching me around the neck with her arm.

I let out a strangled howl of shock and suddenly Embry was there, growling with fury.

The leech ran off and he looked at me and I nodded as we raced off, saying nothing mind to mind, or even howling as we continued after her.

Sam, Paul, and Jared caught up to us and we chased her all the way to the Canadian Border. We stopped and turned around, racing back to La Push, and only slowing down when we crossed into our own territory.

"I told you to stay back!" I snapped at Embry as soon as we had all phased back. "And then look where you'd have been. Dead and lying there! I would've been insane!"

Embry snapped back at me and I flinched. I shook my head and raced away, running on two legs, stopping only to retrieve a duffel bag from my room at Emily's place. I stopped and found myself at Billy Black's house.

I knocked on the door and he opened it, seeing me standing there, in the middle of the rainstorm, half naked.

"I'm really sorry about this. I needed a place to crash." I said and he nodded in understanding. "Come in. You know you're always welcome here."

He said and I nodded gratefully. "Thank you Billy." I said and fell asleep on the couch almost immediately, having not slept for almost a week straight.

When I woke up in the morning, Sam and Embry were talking to Billy.

I avoided looking at Embry as I cooked breakfast with the air of someone who was ready to run.

I went into the room Billy had given me to use and Embry stood there, his hands in the pockets of his shorts.

"Embry..." I said and he kissed me quickly, cutting off my words before the rest of the sentence could come out. "I'm sorry." He whispered and I looked at him and nodded.

"I understand." I said and he nodded slightly. I hugged him tightly and saw Sam standing there.

"Come on Embry!"

"Paul saw the leech again!"

And I looked at him and leaped out the window and landed next to Embry on four paws steady and lightly. I grinned, my tongue lolling out as we raced off, on the hunt again as a pack.

But I knew our peace wouldn't last forever, not with leeches running free, and with my little sister determined to become one.

We need to be ready, ready for anything. To be anything. To fight for anyone.

This is our hunt as a pack, these are the Quilete Wolves.

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