{ 7 } Back to School

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{ Silver's POV }

Two weeks later...

I groaned as I trudged out of my room.

Pulling on an outfit of battered jeans, a clean white t-shirt, and a leather jacket which had been patched up by me so many times it was crazy, I went downstairs for breakfast.

As normal, Embry was cooking, while Mrs Call rattled off on the phone. I kissed Embry on the cheek and picked up a plate of eggs and toast and he shut the oven off and ate an entire roast chicken by himself while his mom chattered away on the phone.

I sighed and finished my food as fast as Embry and we picked up our bags and I caught the keys in my hand.

"Do I have to go?" I groaned as he took the keys from me. "Yes." He said and I sighed and we drove to school.

I walked into school with Embry and Paul flanking me. I sighed with relief inwardly as the boys averted their eyes from me.

Clearly Embry and Paul had sent the message out not to mess with me and for that I was grateful. "Why are the guys avoiding us like the plague?"

I asked, looking at Embry and Paul.

"Because we've kicked the leaders right into the hospital and they don't want to cross any of our 'trail gang' as they're all calling us now." Paul said.

"Interesting." I said and suddenly a hand grabbed mine and I spun around and almost cracked Jake's skull open with a punch.

"Jesus. What?" I asked and he nodded at the window. I looked up and saw Charlie walking across the lawn with Carlisle. I looked at Embry and Paul and I released Jacob before I broke his hand. Paul and Embry led the way and I followed them. "We can't be doing this. The Quiletes don't like me or my family." Carlisle was saying, catching my eye and I nodded slightly.

Charlie noticed us and glared at me.

"What are you doing here?"

He growled and I looked at him, my eyes burning with fury and pain.

"I'm here to ask what the hell you're doing on Quilete Property." I said coldly, my eyes furious and tough, further amplified, by the way Embry and Paul stood flanking me, like I was their leader. Charlie laughed.

"So a 17 year old Quilete kid is going to tell me what to do?"

Charlie snapped. "No. Your daughter is telling you what to do." Embry said, his voice cold and quiet, his fingers laced in mine. "She is no longer my daughter. She's a Quilete Brat."

And I flinched as he spoke. Paul was growling and I looked at him and spoke out of the corner of my mouth.

"Woods. Now." I hissed and he jogged into the woods. I refused to let my emotions show anything except for a cold indifference. "How's Bella?"

I asked coldly. "With Edward." Charlie said, clearly disgruntled. "Good for her. Maybe one daughter won't be the same as the disappointment the last one was." I spat and walked away with Embry. "Where did I ever go wrong with You?!" Charlie roared and I stopped. "You were the perfect child! You had friends! You knew what you wanted out of life! And then you met these Quiletes. What did I do wrong?!"

Charlie roared, and I felt tears in my eyes. "Maybe it was because you met these drunks!" And I felt my anger rising. "These drunk Quilete tribers. Stupid idiots."

And I roared and charged, slamming into him and beating down on him, raining damn near unstoppable blows onto his head and face, kicking his stomach, causing ribs to break and crack. Embry and Paul had to restrain me, along with Sam, as Carlisle helped Charlie into the ambulance.

I had nothing but a small cut at the corner of my lip which, had stopped bleeding by the time I noticed it.

"Go on patrol with Jared." Sam said and I nodded and raced into the woods, stripping down and phasing, leaving my clothes on a tree stump a few feet in. "Jared!" I called out in my mind as I loped along the familiar trees, trails, and areas of La Push.

I found him in human, wrestling with Jasper. I howled for backup and yelled for Sam as I sunk my fangs into Jasper's side. I threw him back onto his side of the river and I looked at Jared who had a bite out of his wrist.

"I'm alright." He said in answer to my unspoken question. Edward appeared with Esme on their side and looked at Jared and I who had both phased into wolves. He nodded and disappeared with Jasper and Esme, racing off.

"Thanks." Jared said and I nodded. "No problem. We're a pack, it's what we're meant to do and be." I said and he nodded slightly in understanding.

We finished patrolling and I caught up to Embry, wearing the clothes I had left on the tree stump. "Hey. You alright? I heard about the fight."

He said and I sighed. "I'm alright. Jared got a bite out of his wrist but Jasper isn't venomous so he wasn't injured too badly. Edward and Esme intervened before anything too bad happened to us..." I said and my voice trailed off. What I saw was absolutely disgusting, even by my standards.

Edward and Bella were making out on the border between Forks and La Push. I shook my head and Embry took my hand as we walked past them. "Hey Silver!" Bella called, her voice full of breathlessness.

"Talk to me when you're done with your bloodsucker!"

I called back and Edward hissed and suddenly appeared in front of me, pushing me back hard into Embry's chest. I snarled and felt my body shaking and heating up. Behind me, I heard a low growl. "Our territory. Now leave before I call the pack."

I said and he laughed. "I can take on all of you." He said and I looked at Bella. "Get out now." I said coldly and shoved him back towards the border.

"What if I don't want to?"

Edward asked, in a whining voice that wasn't fooling anyone. "Then we'll make you Edward Cullen."

And I looked behind me and was relieved to see Sam standing there. "Sam." Edward said. "Get out." Sam said, standing in front of Embry and I.

I growled and Edward chuckled.

"Alright." And he disappeared, along with Bella. "What does she see in him?" I asked rhetorically. "Strength. Speed. Immortality." Paul said and I glared at him. "We have everything except the immortality." I said coldly.

"And we have heartbeats." Embry pointed out. "Let's just go back to Emily's place. Frankly I'm done for the day." I said and we raced away as humans. I beat Embry, and tied with Sam and Paul but got beat by Jared to Emily's place where we got to eat.

I did one-handed pushups while I watched Black Beauty with Emily, Embry, and Jared. "What does the horse have to do with the story?"

Jared asked for about the 14th time. "It's the main character idiot. Now shut up." I said and he grunted and pushed me. I kicked him and he grunted in pain. I leaned against Embry, eating a chicken leg as I did.

I sighed and fell asleep, curled up next to Embry. I woke up to Embry gone, and Emily pacing nervously.

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