{ 6 } Out Of Care, Traps, and Back

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{ Silver's POV }

I was finally out of the hospital and was able to walk with a little help from Embry and Sam.

It started out as Paul and Jared, but Embry was missing all the fun, and Paul isn't the most patient trainer ever to be born.

Embry and I were now both curled up on the couch, watching the Lion King for like the 4th time today. I leaned against him, my eyes on the screen.

Our phones rang at the same time and I paused the movie and Embry was already talking. "Yeah alright. Okay. We're on our way."

And he hung up and pulled off his jacket and tied his shorts to his ankle. I did the same to my sports bra and shorts.

"You ready? It's Jasper, Carlisle, and Edward apparently." He said and I looked at him and nodded. "Let's go."

And we raced off, phasing side by side as wolves as we caught up to Paul and Jared.

Sam was facing off with Edward and Jasper, while Carlisle tried desperately to keep his family from attacking. I suddenly looked up and saw Rosalie and two more vampires that I didn't recognize come around. This was a trap. I realized too late.


I yelled mentally as the other vampires charged.

I was still weak as I got swarmed, Rosalie and Jasper at the head.

I howled with agony as Jasper sunk his fangs into my forelegs and the rest of the vampires took on my back legs.

I began to teeter and tip, knowing if I fell, I would be finished and done for.

Then Sam and Embry were there, sinking their fangs into the nearest ones, forcing them to back up as I leaned heavily on Embry.

"It was a trap." I said mentally and Embry nodded and I felt blood leaking from multiple wounds.

Sam stood on my other side and Carlisle was looking at me with horror on his face.

As the fight stopped and the rest of the vampires left, my eyes rolled back in my head and I collapsed, phasing back to human instinctively. Embry phased back just in time to catch me.

I blinked weakly at Carlisle.

"You. No idea." I whispered. "I swear I didn't know." He said and I looked at him and nodded slightly and passed out again. I woke up back at Embry's place. His mom was away at Billy's so I was being healed there. Carlisle was focused on mostly letting me heal.

"She can't fight now! This is the second time she's bled like this! Do you want there to be a third! I don't want to lose her Sam!" Embry yelled angrily from the kitchen and there was the sound of breaking China.

"I don't either, but we could use her as bait." He said and a broken plate shard sailed over Sam's head.

"You're not putting her back in danger. No. Period. End of discussion!" Embry snapped.

"That's enough!" I yelled and all the yelling stopped. Embry and Sam both walked in, looking ashamed. "Embry stop throwing stuff. Sam stop trying to throw me back into the thick of things for one second and listen." I snapped and Sam shut his mouth from where he had opened it, to argue probably.

I nodded. "Thank you. Now I want to know what Carlisle thinks of me going back out right away again."

I said and Carlisle looked up. "So from what I've gathered, the injuries you sustained from Jasper, the First time around, weren't fully healed when you raced off to face the rest of the idiotic vampires that Rosalie rallied from who knows where."

"So I'm prescribing at least two weeks before you actively begin to patrol again. You can do normal exercising although try not to stretch yourself too much, and you can do your School work at home."

"I'll give you a doctor's note."

And he pulled out an official doctor's prescription pad and scribbled a note on it in a neat round of penmanship.

"Thanks Carlisle. I wouldn't be here now." I said and he shrugged. "You Swans can push through any barrier in your path. Your half sister more then most." And I grunted. "Great."

I said and he nodded and looked around and then at his watch.

"I'll check up on you in a couple days if it's alright with Embry." He said and I looked at Embry who growled.

"As long as it's only you if you don't mind." He said and I looked at him with an expression that clearly said play nice. He rolled his eyes at me in pure exasperation, but I knew he was faking. He would do anything for me, just like I would do anything for him.

Carlisle disappeared and Sam left with Jared and Paul to mind our borders. "You can go Embry." I said and he shook his head.

"I'm not leaving you right now." He said and I looked at him and sighed. "Can we finish our movie now?" I asked and he smiled. "Alright then. What other movies do you like?"

He asked and I laughed as his face transformed into something like fake annoyance. "Am I going to regret asking that?" He asked quietly and I looked at him and kissed his nose.

"Maybe." I said and he groaned as I pressed play on the Lion King.

We both sung along to most of the songs, and argued about which songs were best.

I voted for The Circle of Life, while Embry was set on Be Prepared being the best song in the movie.

We decided to look up the votes on Google and turns out the two songs we had picked were tied for the title of best song in the Lion King.

"I told You!" I said, even though I hadn't and he smiled and kissed me as Simba took his rightful place on Pride Rock and roared, the roar echoing over the Pride Lands. "I wonder if that's how Sam feels." I said, leaning against the back of the couch as I sketched Embry. "Stop fidgeting."

I said without looking up.

"How did You?.." Embry said and I looked up, and my face was annoyed, for real this time. "Stop moving!"

And he sighed and froze in a weirdly dramatic pose so I had to laugh.

After I had colored it in, I gave it to him and he looked at it. "Wow." He said and I smiled slightly.

"You should sell these if we ever had a Lemonade stand at school. You could make real money off of these Silver Swan." He said and I looked at him and could tell he was serious.

"If I did do that, and you made frames for them, how much percent do you want?" I asked and he grunted. "50." He said and I rolled my eyes. "30."

I said and he stuck out his tongue. "45." He said. "40 or nothing."

I said and he nodded. "Alright." He said and we shook on it. "Let's get going. I sketch, you drill and do all that stuff alright?"

I asked and he nodded.

"Can we do this tomorrow?" He asked and I nodded. "Of course Em. Can you help me up?" I asked and he laughed and scooped me up into his arms.

"Argh! Embry!" I said and slapped his
arms but eventually I relaxed. "This counts as enough physical exercise for one day." He said and I sighed as he put me in my bed. "Can you stay?"

I asked quietly and he looked at me, then looked out the window.

"Of course I'll stay."

He said and I looked at him and moved over slightly and he climbed into bed next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist gently, but hard enough so I could feel his arms against me. "Did I say I love you yet?"

I asked, my voice sounding drowsy and far away. "Yeah I think so." Embry said, kissing my forehead. "Good."

And I slipped into sleep, my eyes closing as his arms wrapping around me in a protective embrace.

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