{ 4 } Tempers

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{ Silver's POV }

I walked into school with Embry and Paul flanking me like we normally did when we ran as wolves. I walked to my locker and a note had been slipped into it. "Meet you outside at lunch. It's about the informant. -SU"

The note read.

I looked at Embry who nodded and I saw he had the same note, also signed by Sam. Paul rejoined us and we reached History, and I sat down with relief as Embry sat next to me, with Paul behind us a few rows.

"Silver Swan to the office please. Silver Swan." And I looked at Embry who was tensed. I walked to the office and found myself facing Charlie and the principal. "No." I said and backed up immediately and Charlie grabbed my arm and I immediately reacted.

I twisted him over my knee and his arm was almost breaking. "What do you want you abusive son of a bitch? You forced me to leave, so what the hell do you want?" I asked coldly, my voice a low growl. "I want you back in my house. Carlisle has been asking."

And I looked at him and snarled.

"Well screw Cullens and fuck you. I'm staying in La Push and you can't make me otherwise."

I snapped and released him, pushing him into the wall as I ran down the hall.

Embry met me outside the classroom and I felt my eyes burning with tears and pain.

"What did Charlie do to You?" He whispered, wiping tears off my face.

"Nothing. It's what I did to him Embry. I almost ripped his arm off." I said and he nodded in understanding.

"He threw you out. You have every right to be mad..." He said and I cut him off by hugging him tightly.

"I have to get out of here." I said and he nodded in understanding, his eyes concerned. "I'll meet you with Sam soon alright?" He said and I nodded.

"I dragged you into this when you took me in and I'm so sorry." I whispered and he shook his head. "I wouldn't have it any other way." He said and kissed my forehead before giving me my bag as I disappeared.

I was drawing on the ground next to the school steps when Sam pulled up on a motorcycle and Embry and Paul came out to join us.

Paul looked at the sketch over my shoulder. "You got every detail of our abs. How?" He asked and I didn't look up as I continued to sketch.


I said and he raised his eyebrows.

"It means having a good memory Lahote." I said and he grunted. "I know what it means Swan." And I flinched and growled, feeling my body beginning to heat up. "Silver."

Embry said and I looked at him and focused on his voice and slowly calmed down. "The Imprinting Bond."

Paul said, almost wistfully. I rolled my eyes. "You'll find one. One day."

I said and he nodded slightly, the look still in his eyes. I looked at the sketch again and crumpled it and threw it in the garbage, and soon the floor in my room was covered with crumpled papers and drawings. "Hey."

And I looked up to see Embry standing there. "Hey." I said and looked at the newest sketch and threw it onto the floor. Embry caught it and folded it out and looked at it.

"This one's good." He said and I shook my head. "No it isn't." I said and he looked at me. "Stop being so hard on yourself Silver. It isn't your fault."

And I leaned against him, my head on his chest. "Let's watch a movie." Embry said and suddenly the doorbell rang. I growled under my breath as I jogged downstairs.

I opened the door to see Bella standing there. I clenched my fists behind my back.

"What do you want?"

I asked coldly.

"I'm looking for Silver Swan? Someone told me she stays with the Call Family." And I looked at Embry who had pulled on a jacket before coming downstairs.

"You're looking at her." I said coolly. "Well uh, can I come in?" She asked and I looked at him and he shrugged.

"Fine." I said and she walked in, clearly uncomfortable as I shut the door behind her.

"If this is about Charlie, save your breath." I said and she shook her head. "I was wondering if you wanted to come back. I'm sure he misses you."

And I dropped the mug on the ground and it shattered. "Never say that to me again. He doesn't miss me, he hates me. He never loved me clearly like he does for you." I snapped and she flinched at the rage. "Silver."

Embry said and I shook my head and he hugged me slightly. "I think you'd better go." He said and Bella nodded and walked away out of the house.

I punched the wall and felt tears prickling at my eyes. "Silver..."

Embry started but I was already pulling off my jacket and shorts. I exploded into wolf form and howled to let Sam know I was on my way.

I heard Embry's steady pawsteps thrumming beside me.

"I'm sorry. I overreacted and stepped out of line." I thought and he shook his head. "We've all done it. It won't be the first time, and certainly not the last."

He said and I nuzzled him as we went for our turn on patrol. I raced along, feeling my paws thrum against the earth as I met up with Paul and Jared.

"Where's Sam?" I asked and Jared barked. "Watching the Cullens. It seems that your sister Bella is getting unusually close to the one called Edward." Jared said and I nodded.

"Well shit. What border needs to be refreshed?" I asked. "The One along the river." Paul said, looking exhausted. "Alright. Embry let's get going." I said and we raced off to howling.

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