is it possible? ~ C.H *

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triggers/warnings: smut, but its fluffy smut. but curse words, angst, this has pretty much everything.

word count: 9,420

friendly reminder that the reader in this is an adult, not underage. I am not some sicko okay? okay.


is it possible?

If your grandmother could see you right now, she would be lecturing you. But, you never thought you would actually get the chance to be in this situation. Yes, you had imagined it thousands of times, but you never thought that it could actually happen.

Lets back up a few hours.


I cant do this, I cant do this, nope. No way. "Y/n! Pull yourself together." Kai shouted at you from the drivers seat, she knew you all too well. She knew when you were doubting yourself, she knew when you were about to have a mental breakdown, she knew when you needed to cry. She knew you better than you knew yourself.

And this was a time, when it would come in handy. "What if i cant do it? I mean, this is a big midterm exam Kai. If i fail this, i have no shot at a business degree, no shot at owning my own bakery slash bookshop." You looked out the window, at the endless rain Seattle had to offer.

The car came to a halt, in front of your exam building. "Y/n, listen to me. You are gonna go in there, you are gonna ace that fucking test, you are gonna blow the fucking socks off of that professor, and you will make him eat his words. You are y/n y/l/n. You can do this, got that?" You looked into her dark brown eyes, ones that matched her fathers. "Yes. Yes I'm gonna ace the test." "You're gonna ace the test."

"I'm gonna make him eat his words." "Yes you are." You nod your head, grabbing the straps to your backpack. "I got this." "You got this y/n! Hey and don't forget, my dad is gonna pick you up afterwards since i cant. Love you!"

You turned around and gave her a thumbs up, pressing shuffle on your playlist, and walking into the building- with Styx's Renegade playing in your ears.

But you were right, if you failed this, you wouldn't have a chance at your bakery/bookshop. An idea that you had since you could remember. You never understood why there wasn't ever one. So, you decided. Im gonna be the first. And ever since then, you were going to do everything to accomplish that dream of yours.

You ran down the halls, once you noticed that if you weren't there in two minutes, then you for sure weren't going to get you dream. After almost falling twice, and hitting two other people, you busted in the room, and everyone stared at you.

"Miss y/l/n, so nice of you to join us. Take your seat, we will be starting soon." You nod, walking in more so you can find an open seat. Luckily, you find one next to your friend, Sam.

"Thank god you are here, i seriously thought about bailing." You snorted, "You wouldn't have the guts." He nodded in agreement, "Thats true. Gum?" He offered you a pack of extra polar ice, "Always."

"Alright students, lets begin. You have one hour, and thirty minutes."

You took a deep breath in, and out.

"I got this."


hey, im parked by the Starbucks whenever you are ready

i will be out asap

no worries, take your time

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