11:30 PM ~ C Hood (first responder!sos)

121 1 0

pairing: firefighter!Calum Hood x paramedic oc!Alaska Rivers (poc)

tw: mentions of severe injuries, car wreck // wc: 3k

Alaska sighed, dipping the tea bag into the mug full of hot water. She bobbed it up and down, letting the tea settle. Hopping up on the counter, leaning against the cupboard Alaska sighed, reflecting on just the day that she had.

It was never a dull day being a paramedic who works with the fire department. In just one twelve hour shift the whole team was called to a car wreck, a house fire, and another car wreck, and that wasn't even just the "little" stuff.

"Your tea is gonna get cold." Calums raspy voice woke Alaska from her daydream. "Oh- thanks." she smiled, taking her warm mug in her hand, dipping the tea bag in and out of the hot water a few more times before taking a sip.

Alaska and Calum had gotten... not close, but something similar. An unspoken bond between the two. They worked well together, in the field he always knew what tools she needed and often handed them to her before she even asked. When it came to teamwork, no pair could match them, they could practically read each other's minds.

Alaska never talked about home life or personal matters, and neither did Calum. But of course, every now and then he would bring up Mali or his parents. But the two just... fit. They didn't need to know the small, specific details in order to bond.

He came over and grabbed the still-hot kettle and made himself a cup, leaning against the counter across from her. It was a quiet night, most of the crew was asleep but she just hadn't been able to settle. Calum apparently couldn't either. "So... Why this?" He softly questioned.

She was pretty surprised by his question, not expecting him to speak again. He never spoke much, usually just barking orders at other team members. "Pardon?" she looked puzzled.

"Why a paramedic? Why this station?" He clarified.

"Oh, um... Its- It's a... long story..." Alaska said slowly.

"We have all night, sweets." She took a deep breath and tugged her necklace from underneath her thin cotton shirt, holding it tight.

"My brother... we were in a really bad accident, he was messed up, I was fine. I mean, I had a few scrapes and bruises, but he..." She had to pause at the memory, taking a deep breath. "The fire truck showed up first, they pulled me and my brother out and they got to work on him, but I just... felt helpless. And one of the medics saw me, she had me hold his hand and talk to him to keep him calm. She made me feel like I was helping, and he made a full recovery. So... after school I was interviewing at universities when I saw a pamphlet for paramedics. I skipped the interview. I never looked back. I go where I'm needed, and my last station- the captain had an issue with a woman being on the team, so I came here."

Calum handed her a tissue, "Pfft thanks." she wiped her light brown eyes clean from tears, and her nose a little bit. Calum hopped up on the counter opposite her, staring down at his mug full of coffee.

"Aren't you gonna go sleep?" Alaska questioned, and Calum shook his head a little. "I don't really sleep when I'm on." he briefly explained, "yeah, I get that."

The pair sat in silence for a few seconds, "So why did you decide to become a firefighter?" she brought the mug up to her plump lips, taking a small sip of the hot liquid. Calum smiled as he thought of the answer.

"Well, when I was a kid I dreamed of being one. I mean every Halloween I was a little firefighter, I had firefighter t-shirts, backpacks, stuffies. I was set, on being a firefighter. My parents thought I would grow out of it, but the obsession still stuck. And what's funny is- I never knew anybody who was a firefighter. My mom was a teacher and my dad worked in a bank, so where I got this was beyond me. Anyways, I came here to go to school, and then I just kinda, made my way here." he finished, taking a sip of his hot drink.

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