NSFW bfd!calum alphabet

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A= aftercare (what they are like after the sex)

he would be so caring?? he would ask "did I hurt you?" like five times. he would be giving you kisses everywhere he could. he would bring you closer in his arms, practically dragging you on top of him. but you definitely can count on him, after the first time yall had sex, him saying "yep, still got it."

B=body part (fav of theirs and their partners body)

he loves your nose tbh. but sexually, definitely and ass man. every chance he had, which wasnt often, he would have his hands on your ass, or he would just have his hands on you, somehow.

C=cum (anything to do with cum)

basically, if you wanted him to um on your face/chest he would. there would be times where he would want you to like, cum while he is eating you out, but thats it basically.

D= dirty secret

his would be he wants to fuck you somewhere public. like with someone in the house while yall are there, or he while you are on vacation.

E= experience

he has been around, lets put it that way.

F= favorite position

he loves it when you ride him, honestly.

G= goofy (Are they serious in the moment or...)

I think he would be pretty serious, yeah. not like, "get on your hands and knees" type serious, but he wants to make every time special.

H= how well groomed are they?

I would say he keeps it clean. but he would keep stubble cause he knows you like it

I= intimacy (how are they in the moment, romantic aspect?)

he just wants to make it al about you. but ofc,he wants to have a little fun cause he hasnt had his fun in a while. but yes, he just wants to make sure that you feel as perfect as he sees you.

J= jack off

he does get off when he cant be with you, cause he has to take care of himself somehow. but there was one time where you guys had a bet, who could go the longest without touching themselves, and calum for sure lost.

K= kink (one or more of their kinks)

I can see him being in to tying you up. but also like, ice play is a thing. you would try it every now and then. but he is definitely into fucking while y'all are high. cause he did that when he was in college, so he thought he try it again with you.

L= location (favorite place to have sexy times)

so I dont see bfd!calum being that adventurous. I mean, he would tease you and have fun with you in public, but not go that far. but he does love shower sex.

M= motivation (what gets him turned on/keeps him going)

I think (this is cliche but who cares) just you in general just keeps him going. not necessarily hard all the time, although you can do that no problem. but he would look forward to see you at the end of the day. so yeah. that

N= no (something they wouldnt do)

I dont see bfd!calum being into anal. also I dont seeing him being into having sex with you when you are drunk, cause he would just feel like he was taking advantage of you.

O= oral (giving or receiving?)

he loves to eat you out. but he totally wouldnt pressure you into sucking him off, but when you did, holy shit he lost his damn mind.

P=pace (are they fast or rough?)

he is rough if you want him to be. but at first he would take things slow, and eventually get faster and kinkier as time progressed.

Q= quickie

I dont think he would be up for it tbh. unless he was just painfully hard

R= risk (Are they down to experiment?)

totally. if you are up for it, he is too.

S= stamina (how long do they last?)

I think he will last three-four rounds before he is completely out of breath and exhausted. but since you have a little more energy, you will pull it out of him for one more round.

T= toys

I dont think he would have any, but he would get cocky once he found out you had a couple. he would kinda tease you about it, and he would even use it on you.

U= unfair (how much do they like to tease?)

y'all okay so I think that he would be so like..bad at teasing? like he would do it, but then he would just go into a fit of giggles once he did.

V= volume (how loud can they be?)

I think that he can be pretty loud. not like...excessive? but yeah, I picture him being loud.

W= wild card (random headcannon)

lets go with K. so stoner sex? hell yeah. you would be like "have you ever been high?" and he said, "yeah, why?" And you would bring up the idea of having high sex, and he was like "hell yeah." and then you would go and get some from sam (he is a stoner, prove me wrong) and you have tried it a couple times, but yeah..it was amazing.

X= x -ray (how big are they?)

not horse dick, but rather large. thick and veiny.

Y= yearning (how hight is their sex drive?)

I wouldnt say so high where y'all fuck every hour, but at least every-every other day. and maybe not even sex, just like oral and stuff.

Z= zzz (how fast do they go to sleep afterwards)

I'd say he would go to sleep a little after you did, and vice versa.

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