Team Effort ~A Irwin

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it was more like a ritual, in the Irwin household. after dinner, everyone would go into the living room and watch whatever movie that specific Irwin picked. this time it was Ashtons turn, so he picked back to the future (one of his favorites) and kicked back.

but ever since you had taken up the job of being the ninth grade biology teacher at the high school, it had been a little hard for you to fully lock in on those movie nights. you were too busy grading the kids homework to do anything else.

you sat at the kitchen table, papers in consecutive piles of each different class and each different type of paper. reports, in-class work, extra work. Ashton really didn't know how you handled it all.

Ashton managed to slip out of the movie while Marty had made his way into the sixties, and went into the kitchen. you were scanning the papers for anything that wasn't what you had on the paper, but at the same time was trying to give credit where you could.

"hey." he greeted, kissing your temple and sitting in the chair next to you. without looking up you greeted him back with a simple 'hey'. you made a couple of checkmarks on the paper and turned it over, writing the grade out to be an 85 with a smiley face, putting the sheet into the report pile.

you set the red pen down and leaned back in the wooden chair, closing your eyes. "honey I think you need a break." Ashton said, his hand resting on his arm on the table, his free hand going to grab hers and give the top of it a kiss.

"I'm almost done, ash. I have this many to go and then I will be done." you set your other hand atop the small stack of papers that wouldn't be but about twenty pages. "do you want some help?" he offered, his soft hazel eyes looking up at you.

"no baby, it's okay. you don't have to, plus your favorite movie is on." he finished off his beer and set the bottle in the sink, not daring to throw it away since he knows that Olivia likes to paint them. "I've seen this movie well over a hundred times. I mainly put it on because I know that the boys like to watch it. now, tell me what I'm looking for."

he sat across from you and grabbed a red pen from the jar. you divided the papers in half, "just read over them and see if it makes sense to you and if you understand what they are saying. look for any grammar issues but don't count off every single one, I like to give them credit." Ashton nodded his head, reading over the paper.

"hey can I give credit for this drawing? it's cool." Ashton commented, turning the paper around to show it. you looked up and saw it, "oh, thats Olivier. I wish I could, but no don't." Ashton nodded his head, turning the sheet over and writing down a number.

he grabbed another paper, but his eye brows went raised, "I'm not even gonna try and read what that says, here you go." he handed the paper over to you. you chuckled a little, taking it from his hands. "oh, this is Kyle." she quickly scanned over the paper, "he understands the class, he just has zero eligibility skills."

Ashton admired the way that you could recognize any student you had just by their handwriting. that just went to show how dedicated you were to educating the next generation, even if it were on biology which some kids wouldn't even go on to care about. it inspired Ashton to know that his wife was making a difference in some Childs life in ninth grade biology class.

"Ashton you're staring again." you said, writing a grade along with a smiley face. "sorry, I just really like you." he smiled at you from across the table, you set the last paper you had into the pile of reports, "I like you too."

you held out your hand for Ashtons last paper, "no I can do it." Ashton read through the paper, and he didnt see anything wrong in it. he thought that the paper was flawless, especially the hand writing. "this one is really good, her name is Zoe."

you chuckled a little, "what?" he asked, "Zoe is the girl Levi likes." Ashtons mouth fell open a little, and it curved into a small smile. "really?" you nodded your head, taking a sip of your water. "he's liked her for a while now." you began to set all of the papers into your binder for each class you had the next day.

"cant believe he never told me." Ashton leaned back in his chair, looking into the living room of their relatively new house at Levi who was finishing up his homework on the couch.

"well he didn't even think about telling you." you set your school binder on the edge of the table, finishing your drink and going to set it in the sink. "how come you knew? did he tell you?" he asked, leaning against the counter. "I just knew." you leaned in to kiss him on the lips, you both closed your eyes, enjoying the moment because as parents moments like that don't last too long.

"well how come I didn't know yn? I mean, I'm his dad I wanna know these types of things." he looked at you with puppy eyes, "don't worry about it Ashton. I'm sure the subject will come up at some point."

you kissed him on the cheek, "I'm gonna put the little ones to bed." you walked out of the kitchen, scratching your scalp a little. Ashton heard you talk to the boys and led them up the wooden stairs, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep if he didn't talk to Levi at least a little bit.

Ashton walked past Olivia, "you goin' to bed?" he asked as she walked past him. she pulled an earbud out of her ear, "well, I'm gonna go lay in my bed for a good while, and eventually go to sleep."

Ashton held his arms out for a hug, she walked into her father's arms, and she wrapped her skinny ones around his body. "well go to bed before midnight, okay?" she nodded and Ashton kissed her head, "love you liv." she smiled and reached up to kiss her dads cheek, "love you too pops." he chuckled, "you know I hate that." she walks up the stairs a little, "why do you think I call you that?"

Ashton walked into the living room where he saw Levi putting his papers into his backpack, and in his mind he was going through how should he approach this conversation? he never had this with judah, because Ashton knew that judah never had any actual intentions with the girls he was dating.

but now he doenst know if Levi has any intentions or not. "hey, Levi you know you can tell me anything, right?" he started off, and his son looked up at him. "uh, yeah." he answered, zipping his bag up and going to set it on the couch. "why?"

"well I don't really know what's going on with you. if you are still interested in equestrian, haven't seen you out there with bullseye in a while. and I don't even know if you have any crushes or anything." he leaned against the entrance to the living room, his hands stuffed in his pocket.

even though he did have darker skin, Ashton could tell that he was blushing just a little bit. "well I uh, yeah." Ashton perked up a little, "I still like riding. and I do, like someone yeah." Levi looked down at his bag, fumbling with the straps a little. "well, who is she?" Ashton asked even though he knew who it was.

"her name is Zoe. she's in mom's class, and we are both in robotics club. she is also on the track team." he quickly explained, wanting this awkward conversation to be over as soon as possible.

"how long have you liked her?" Ashton didn't want to seem like he was pressuring, but in a way he was. he didn't want his son to feel like he was on his own. "I dunno, a few months maybe. please don't be mad I didn't tell you."

"I would never be mad at you Levi, there isn't anything you could do to make me mad, okay?" Levi nodded, "okay, go get ready for bed. and if you want to talk tomorrow I'm here." Levi walked around the couch, and went to go hug his dad, reaching up a little since he want quite as tall as his father.

"love you buddy." he kissed the top of his head, "love you to dad." he let go and Levi ran up the stairs and too his room where he got ready for bed. Ashton turned off the lights down stairs and walked down the hallway to his bedroom, but he saw you leaning against the hallway with a small smile on your face.

"well, how'd I do?" he asked, walking up to you and wrapping his hands around your waist. "you did great." he smiled and leaned down to give you a kiss on the lips, leaning back just a little so your feet didn't touch the floor. you giggled a little, "you're a good dad Ashton."

he set you down on the floor, you brushed some of his loose curls out of his face. "thanks for making me one." 

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