Grateful (Part 1)

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2:06. Arthit is waiting for his boyfriend at the gates of the university. Kongpob's on his way for his afternoon class. They have nothing to do together; he also has nothing urgent to tell. It's just that Arthit has free time, and when he has free time, he likes to spend it with his boyfriend than with his noisy, nosy friends.

"What's with the face?" Arthit asks when Kongpob arrives on his motorcycle, trying so hard to ignore his boyfriend's new look.

It's his first time seeing Kongpob wearing the maroon workshop uniform, and he would lie if he'd tell him he doesn't look good in it. However, Arthit knows that praising his boyfriend would end up with him being teased, so he keeps it to himself.

"Just hop on first. I'll tell you on our way to my building."

Arthit obeys, putting his hands on Kongpob's shoulders. "This..."

"P'Arthit, you're saying something?"

"This uniform... it looks good on you." He really can't keep it to himself. Good thing, he's at Kongpob's back, or else, Kongpob would see how red his face is.

Kongpob thought his boyfriend wouldn't notice. His day is suddenly a little bit better. "Thank you, P'Arthit." He starts his motorcycle again.

But while they're on their way to Kongpob's building, a guy smiling at them catches Arthit's attention.

"Kong, did you see that guy?"

The guy's stare follows the boyfriends as they pass by him. Arthit feels confused and slightly uncomfortable. He doesn't know who it was.

"Do you know him, Kong?"

"Who? I didn't see him. I'm driving."

"That guy was smiling at us. I don't know him. I'm sure he's not from our faculty. Maybe he's your friend."

"I didn't see him, P'."

Arthit continues to wonder but decides to not mind anymore. Maybe, it's just one of the Moon's fans. He changes the topic and inquires about what made his boyfriend frowning all morning. "So, why the sour face?"

Arthit feels Kongpob's sigh as his hands are resting on his shoulders. "Oh. It's just about the TV show I'm watching. It got canceled."

Arthit understands. He moves his fingers resting on Kongpob's shoulders to massage him, hoping this act would work as a consolation.

Getting what the gesture means, Kongpob finally relaxes and smiles. Even though Arthit doesn't know it, he's always successful in lifting his boyfriend's mood whenever he's down.

The two arrive at their destination shortly after. They are getting off from the motorcycle when a girl approaches both of them.

"You are Khun Arthit—" she shyly says, pointing at Arthit, then at Kongpob, "—and you are Khun Kongpob, right?"

Both guys look at each other, silently asking if they know the girl.

"Uh, yes," Arthit speaks first. "Do you need anything?"

"My name is Nin. I'm from the Business faculty. I just want to... personally thank you."

"Uhm," Arthit and Kongpob look again at each other. "Thank you for what, Khun Nin?" Kongpob politely asks.

But Nin doesn't answer. She only gives them a wai before smiling and running away, leaving the two guys clueless about who she is and what she just did.

"Do you know her, Kongpob?"

"No, P'Arthit. I assume you don't know her too."

"I don't." Arthit shakes his head. "What a weirdo."

Shrugging it off, they continue their walk to the building. Arthit has no official business here. He just wants to send his boyfriend to his classroom.

"Concentrate on your class, Kong," he tells his boyfriend when they reach the room.

Kongpob feels his heart flutter. "You too."

"Go inside now." Arthit tries not to smile and miserably fails.

"You go first."

"Kong, your friends are waiting for you. Go now."

Kongpob turns around to take a look at his friends who are all eyes on them as if they are watching a primetime show. Oak pouts his lips, signaling Kongpob to kiss Arthit, but Kongpob just gives him an I'll-talk-to-you-later look. He knows that if Arthit sees it and realizes his friends are teasing them, he might stop accompanying Kongpob to his classes, which he doesn't want to happen.

"What are you waiting for?" Arthit pushes Kongpob inside and gives him a smile for the last time before leaving.

When Kongpob steps inside the room, he is greeted by his friends' knowing smiles.

"How are you, Kong?" Em asks.

"I'm okay?"

"That's not what I mean."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, how does it feel when your boyfriend walks you to your classroom?"

Kongpob blushes, and Praepailin pokes his side, making his already wide smile even wider. "I envy you. I wish my girlfriend studies here," she says. Kongpob just smiles at her apologetically.

Having no more time for his friends' teasings, he takes his seat and faces Oak. "Hey Oak, we need to talk." His voice sounds serious.

However, their professor comes in, putting a stop to what Kongpob has to say. They settle on their seats and try to give full attention to the lecture.

They are mostly successful, but in the middle of it all, for some reason, Kongpob feels like someone's watching him. He tries to look at his back, and he's right. The student seated next to the window is staring at him, smiling.

It's male student Kongpob hasn't been acquainted with yet. All he knows is that he's a senior that has to retake the class with them.

"Em, do you know the senior there?" Kongpob whispers to his friend.

Em tries to look back secretly. "P'Stan? Yes, he introduced himself to us earlier. Why?"

"I don't know. He's staring and smiling at me."

"Oh... Maybe he finds you good looking. You're still the reigning Moon." Em nudges him. "Huh. It looks like P'Arthit is not the only guy you've captivated." Em looks back again, and the senior is still looking at Kongpob. Meeting his eyes, the senior suddenly looks away.

Em whispers to Kongpob, "Do you know I already have P'Arthit's number? I will definitely text him about this."


Em just laughs it off and puts his attention back to their professor.

Still feeling uneasy, Kongpob takes another peek at the senior at the back of their classroom, and when the senior notices Kongpob is looking at him... he smiles again.

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