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If someone told Arthit at the beginning of the semester that his first kiss would be Kongpob, he'd surely throw the nearest thing to them and step on their foot. If they were a freshman, they would be ordered to run 54 laps.

But here he is, giving his first kiss to Kongpob. And he's doing it in public.

While on the ride to Fon and Tum's wedding, Arthit decided to stop overthinking things. And this is the result. He's kissing, and he's being kissed. It's better than what he imagined, and he can't recall why they haven't been doing this the whole time, why they've been running circles around each other for so long without doing anything about it.

"That's my answer," he tells Kongpob.

They didn't go back to the wedding reception anymore. Instead, they sit on a bench in the middle of Rama Park.

"P'Arthit, your answer... I was serious when I said it's not very clear. I mean... I have an idea, but--"

What Kongpob has in mind is exactly what Arthit means. But Arthit can't verbalize it.

"--I don't want to assume. Help me out here."

Arthit looks away, as if the answer to Kongpob's question is somewhere along with the trees in the park.

"So, are we--"


"I haven't finished my question yet, P'."

"What's the point? You already know my answer."

"I just want everything to be clear, okay?"

Arthit sighs. "Okay."

They are silent for a while.

"So, are we boyfriends now?"

Hearing the term sends some sort of feelings to Arthit's spine. He likes hearing it but won't admit it.


Kongpob makes the biggest smile he has ever made. However, he's still not content.

"I want to hear it from you, P'Arthit."

"What do you want to hear? I already answered yes. Wanna hear the other answer?"

"No! I just want you to tell me that... I'm your boyfriend."

Arthit suddenly reflects on what his life will be like.

Kongpob waits for the answer, but it doesn't come. Slowly, his smile fades out.

Arthit doesn't need to look at his face to know that Kongpob isn't pleased.

Suddenly feeling guilty, he looks at Kongpob's face, confirming the faded smile. It's really gone now, but Kongpob's eyes are still shining, waiting for something.

He looks away again. Arthit doesn't want their first night together to end badly, so he rearranges his lips and swallows.

There's a lot he needs to learn, so he decides to start it now.

"You are... my boyfriend now, Kongpob."

"And you are mine."

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