Kongpob passes through Arthit's door not even five minutes after Arthit asked him to accompany him to try the new pizza place inside the university compound that everyone is talking about.Kongpob isn't fond of pizza. He likes his rice meals and noodles, and even though a pizza pie is fused with traditional Thai toppings, he wouldn't eat it. However, it's one of the few instances that Arthit initiates something, so of course he'll accompany him to Big Phee's, the new pizza place.
There isn't much to see in Big Phee's. A number of tables covered with red and white tablecloths are placed in the dining area, which are all occupied by students from other faculties except for one.
"P'Arthit, get that table over there. I'll order for us."
"Okay. Two slices of all-meat for me and uhhh--" Arthit scans the menu for pink milk. There's none. "--Sprite." He reaches for his wallet, gets a bill, and places it in the pocket of Kongpob's shirt. He turns around and steps away before telling Kongpob to get what he wants too.
It took Arthit a while to find a strategy that would defeat Kongpob's paying skills, and this time, it worked.
Kongpob silently laughs and stares at the menu displayed on the counter. He decides to get a slice of Hawaiian pizza.
After squeezing between tables and people's bodies, Arthit scores the table they were eyeing. He takes a seat facing the windows and fishes his phone from his pocket. All his friends' texts are about how boring their weekend is.
"Get a boyfriend, idiots," he mutters to himself.
He looks back at his boyfriend, who's still in line but now isn't alone. Kongpob is currently talking to a handsome young man. His height is the same as Kongpob's, and he wears glasses. Kongpob laughs at something the other young man has said. It was a genuine, unfettered laugh, something rare and precious that Kongpob rarely gives up in public. Arthit feels a stab of ice in his chest.
He stands up, leaving the table he reserved. After passing through the same tables and bodies, he presses up just behind Kongpob and puts a hand on his shoulder.
"Phi?" Kongpob reacts.
"I changed my mind... uh... get me Sprite, not Pepsi."
"You already told me to get you Sprite."
"I did? Well, okay... Sprite."
The other young man fakes a cough. He joins his hands to greet Arthit. "Sawasdee krap khun. I'm Sam."
"He's my high school classmate," Kongpob butts in. "This is P'Arthit."
Arthit just bows his head a little, acknowledging the man. Kongpob is waiting for Arthit to leave, but he isn't moving from his spot. Kongpob takes a look at their table, which is, thankfully, still unoccupied. "P'Arthit, somebody might get our table."
"Huh?" He looks back. "Go there, then. I'll order for us," he says as he gets the bill he placed inside Kongpob's pocket.
Kongpob has no idea what's going on, but he agrees, because it's Arthit, and he always does what Arthit says.
"So..." Sam speaks again. "See you next Saturday?"
What's on next Saturday?! Arthit thinks to himself. He needs to keep Kongpob busy on that day.

SOTUS: The University Days (and Other Universes)
FanfictionA collection of one-shots and ficlets showing glimpses of Kongpob and Arthit's dating life while they're still in the uni! This is also where I post SOTUS AUs and crackfics!