Kongpob's worry grows more. It's already past 11 pm, and Arthit is still not home. The latter went to the city proper for his internship interview, but he's supposed to be home by 8 pm. Arthit not replying to his texts nor answering his calls is also not helping Kongpob.Suddenly, he hears a click at the door. He's home.
"Kongpob, what are you doing here?" Arthit is surprised that his boyfriend is in his room. They didn't have plans for a sleepover tonight.
Kongpob looks at his boyfriend, who seems battered by the road and air pollution. "P'Arthit, why are you home late?" He sounds whiny.
"Ughh. Heavy traffic. I didn't expect it would be that bad."
Arthit sets his things beside the bed and looks at the food on the table. "Kong, you haven't eaten yet?!"
Without waiting for his answer, Arthit drags Kongpob to the table and sits with him. "You didn't have to wait for me."
"I was worried."
"You didn't answer my calls. You didn't even read my messages."
"Sorry. You already know I don't use my phone outside, right?"
Kongpob knows, so he just nods. They continue eating in silence until Kongpob breaks it.
"How was your interview?"
"It went well. I passed." A small smile forms in Arthit's face.
Kongpob feels proud.
"Tutah and Prem will also have their interview there tomorrow. I hope they both get in so I can have my friends with me."
Arthit tells his boyfriend more about his interview and his tour around Ocean Electric, emphasizing how nice his would-be boss is.
"So this P'Yong, he will be your boss?" Kongpob asks.
"So you will be reporting to him?
"Yes, that's what bosses are for."
"Will you be with him always?"
"I guess so."
"And he's young?"
"Hmmm... older than me, but quite young to be the head of the Production Department."
"Is he good looking?"
"Kong? What's this about?" Arthit's starting to get annoyed.
Kongpob just raises his left eyebrow.
"Uhmmmm... let's just say he is tall."
"Taller than me?"
Kongpob's left eyebrow remains raised. Arthit stands up from his seat and drags Kongpob to the bed. It's the spot they're comfortable with when they need to talk about something serious.
"Sorry, P'Arthit. I just don't like to be away from you."
"Kong, I will not be too far away. The new room I will be renting is just one ride away from here. I can always visit you, and you can always visit me."
Kongpob's eyes widen. "Wait. What?! You also have to move to a new place?!" Surprised and frustrated, he covers his face with his hands.
Arthit mentally smacks himself for not telling it to his boyfriend in a more tolerable manner.
"Kong, listen to me." Kongpob remains curled. "Kong... don't be mad, please. You trust me, right?"
His boyfriend just nods without lifting his head.
"I will text you every day."
"And I will try to see you every weekend."
"After the internship, I will still have some classes, so I will not let go of this room until I graduate. By that time, you can visit me every day."
"You can sleep every night here if you want."
Kongpob suddenly lifts his head. "Really, P'Arthit?" He excitedly says.
Arthit hits his head. "Pervert. I knew it."
"You already said it. No taking back!"
He side-eyes his boyfriend. "Who said I'm taking it back?" Arthit shyly smiles.
They remain silent for a while.
Kongpob rests his head on Arthit's shoulder. "P'... I'll really miss you."
Arthit holds his hand. "Me too."
did i really just shade yong in this story lmaooo
(the answer is yes)
and yes, I will put prem and tutah in ocean electric during their internship because why not. expect the adventures of the three gays in my next oneshots :)))

SOTUS: The University Days (and Other Universes)
FanfictionA collection of one-shots and ficlets showing glimpses of Kongpob and Arthit's dating life while they're still in the uni! This is also where I post SOTUS AUs and crackfics!