a/n: pls don't take this fic seriously i'm just boreda/n 2: if you think you've read this before, you're not mistaken. i just revised it to fit the holiday szn
Em is fine with his best friend's relationship with Arthit. He's actually sort of thrilled when he discovered that his best friend is in a relationship. He was surprised that it was with a man, but he had no issues with it.
He also might have thought that Kongpob could have gotten a boyfriend who didn't torture them during hazing, but that's not his business, so what can he do? He's just here to support his best friend all the way.
He didn't expect, however, when Kongpob asked him to go to his room and asked for help for his plan:
"I now know what to give P'Arthit for Christmas," Kongpob says. He sounds so enthusiastic.
"Uh, are you sure you want my help with this?"
"Of course! You're my best friend. Who else would I ask to help me?"
"It's just... you don't ask for anything when it comes to you and P'Arthit."
"Well, I didn't need help before, but now, I do."
Em smiles at this, feeling proud that Kongpob needs his help. "Okay. So what's the plan?"
"Okay, so what if... we will get a giant box and wrap it like a gift, and then, I will get inside it, and you will leave me inside P'Arthit's room so that he will think it's his gift, but when he opens it, he will realize his gift is me?"
Em can't believe what happened to his best friend's way of thinking. He just stares at him blankly.
"It should be hilarious and kind of cute!" Kongpob follows up.
"I mean..." Em starts. "... it's not as hilarious and cute as you think, but it doesn't look like I can talk you out of it."
"You absolutely can't."
So Em helps Kongpob get a box that's big enough to fit him in. Then, they buy gift wrappers and an alarmingly long yellow ribbon to tie it up.
Two days before Arthit leaves for the term break, Kongpob and Em assemble the box, leaving air holes so that Kongpob can still come out alive. Then, they wrap the box with the gift wrappers they bought. The wrapping could look better if Kongpob did it alone, but as he said, he needs Em's help right now, so this should be okay. After wrapping every side and corner of the box, he writes a note for Arthit and tapes it on top of the box.
It looks good.
Kongpob's confident that the plan will work.
The following day, when they're sure Arthit is out, Kongpob and Em bring the box to his room.
"Kong, are you really sure about this?" Em asks when Kongpob steps inside the box.
"Yes, it's an amazing plan. I'm doing it."
Em just lifts his shoulders to answer.
"P'Arthit will be back in 30 minutes, so you have to tie up the box quickly."
"What? This is pressure, Kong! What if he finds me here in his room?!"
"Relax, Em. It won't happen if you start now. Also, don't worry, I have my phone with me, so we can still communicate."
"Don't forget to lock the door when you get out," Kongpob reminds him, which he answers with a nod.

SOTUS: The University Days (and Other Universes)
FanfictionA collection of one-shots and ficlets showing glimpses of Kongpob and Arthit's dating life while they're still in the uni! This is also where I post SOTUS AUs and crackfics!