The first time it happens, Kongpob is shopping.
He's been eyeing this jacket for a while now, so when he's finally not drowning in paperwork and in his father's extra tasks, he goes to the mall and buys it. It's an argyle print cardigan. Nothing too edgy, but looks really good on him.
He's about to pay for the item when someone shoves him aside.
"Excuse me?" Kongpob instantly reacts.
The guy, who's now standing in front of the cashier, glances briefly at him. He has a nice face. His attitude, however, leaves much to be desired. The guy then faces the lady at the counter and gives her money.
"Sorry, but I was here first!" Kongpob protests. He's about to tell the guy his rights as the first customer in the line when something cotton gets shoved into his face. It takes a second before he realizes's his own jacket.
He stares at it before realizing the guy has just brisked away. He has a thousand questions about what has just happened, but he remembers he's not the type to fight someone, even if he's the one who's been wronged, and decides to let it go. It takes him a while before he realizes that the counter is free again and he can finally pay for his jacket.
Except, not quite.
"That one's already paid for," the cashier says when he places the jacket on the counter.
Kongpob gives her a confused face, so she clarifies. "By your friend."
The lady is referring to the rude guy who pushed him.
"But...that's not my friend?"
"Well, he paid for it. Do you want to pay for it again?"
For a moment, he contemplates saying yes because no one is allowed to push him aside and pay for his stuff. But it will make no difference. It's been paid for. And despite the fact that his family owns the largest plastic manufacturing company in Bangkok, he won't let capitalism win twice.
So Kongpob can only shake his head and put his money back to his wallet.
The next time it happens, Kongpob is out again at the mall, but this time, he's with his friends.
"So tell us what happened," Em prompts as they're standing in line for ice cream. Kongpob is behind him, and behind Kongpob is Tew.
"Oh, that," Kongpob grunts. "I was paying for my jacket when this guy shoved me to the side. I wasn't really hurt or anything, but it...he was just so rude? Also, he paid for my jacket. I don't have any idea why, though."
"Are you serious?" Em rolls his eyes.
"Kongpob's charms have never changed," Tew comments from the back.
"Why does stuff like that never happen to me? I want someone to pay for my jacket too!" Em whines.
Kongpob is about to scold them for sugarcoating the situation, but their conversation gets cut off by the guy behind the counter clearing his throat loudly, letting them know that they are holding up the line.
"Sorry," Kongpob says. "Uhm, coffee crumble for me."
"Rocky road for me," Em says.
"Cookies and cream for me, all large," Tew adds.
"That's 198 baht," the guy manning the counter says flatly.
Kongpob is handing him three 100 baht bills when he realizes what the guy has just said.

SOTUS: The University Days (and Other Universes)
FanfictionA collection of one-shots and ficlets showing glimpses of Kongpob and Arthit's dating life while they're still in the uni! This is also where I post SOTUS AUs and crackfics!