Chapter Twenty-Six

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"What happened to your leg?"

I suck in a breath, "I got splinched. You probably saw that Harry infiltrated the Ministry-"

"Supposedly to release that muggle woman." Draco nods, squeezing my hand,

"Yeah, I was there. I was the muggle woman, we used Polyjuice Potion. And-"

"You were there?!" His eyes widen desperately, "I was too, I could've-"

"No, darling, you couldn't." I say softly, "When we apparated away, Ron and I got splinched, badly. It hasn't really had a chance to heal."

A quiet falls on us. I take the chance to slip under the water, drenching my hair and face, trying to wash off the dirt that has stained my skin. This is so strange, being with him after so long. When I resurface, my eyes meet his. I wriggle over, placing my elbows on the cold rim of the bath and resting my chin on my forearms. He kisses me lightly, pulling away but staying close enough to me that our noses touch. His eyes flicker down and he falters. I watch him as he tentatively reaches down to my neck, lifting the silver chain from my skin, and holding up the ring he left me. The feeling of his fingertips brushing my skin makes me shiver, and he notices, smiling softly, but not looking up from the silver and green ring.

"You kept it..." He murmurs, looking up at me, and I nod,

"Of course I did, what else-" I stop, sucking in a breath, "I didn't think I'd ever see you again."

Tears prick at my eyes as I watch his face change, his eyes watering slightly,

"I'm so sorry," He whispers, pressing his forehead to mine, "I wanted to save you, I thought-"

"And you did." I say, cupping the side of his face. "You saved me."

"I nearly killed you." He croaks,

I kiss him then, gently, and as the kiss deepens he drops the ring. It clatters against the bath as he runs a hand over my damp hair, sitting up and pushing me backwards slightly, so my arms are no longer on the edge of the bath, and are instead brushing up against his shirt, his neck. He opens his mouth to mine, and I taste a hint of white wine, feeling a heat rise through me as one of his hands starts brushing down my neck, my front, slowly. I pull away, gasping, seeing how he's kneeling now, leaned over the bath, me, one hand tangled in my wet hair, the other, brushing over my chest.

He smirks, retreating and leaving me aching for him. He glances at my leg, "I'll get some ointment for you, I should have something here and-" He winces at my grungy clothes, "Something to sleep in."

I pout as he gets up, and with a mischevious grin, he winks at me as he exits the bathroom. Honestly, how long has it been? Months? And he has the nerve to tease me like that. To turn me on and then retreat and smirk at my blushing cheeks. I sink back down, crossing my arms over my bare chest and biting my lip.

When he comes back, he pauses, chuckling when he sees how I'm sitting.

"What's wrong?" He teases, and I roll my eyes, sinking lower into the bathwater,

"You're a tease."

"Says the one who's naked in my house,"

"Would you rather I was wearing clothes?"

I turn, seeing his stupid smirk as he puts some clothes down on the chair by the door then placing a small jar next to them. He eyes me, not even trying to hide it, and then raises his eyebrows, shrugging,

"It's not really teasing, though,"

"Oh really?" I retort, motioning to my red cheeks,

"Teasing implies that I'm only going to kiss you," He smiles, and I sigh,

"Well, that's what you-"

"If you let me, I'd do a whole lot more than that, darling," He smirks, shrugging and turning to leave the room.

He closes the door behind him and I bite my lip. I glance over at the bathroom cabinet next to the end of the bath, and sit up, reaching over and pulling it open to reveal a collection of new, well organised personal hygiene products. Among the unopened pads and bars of soap, I find a razor. I haven't shaved in months, and though it certainly is vital to my wellbeing, and Draco doesn't care, I do like being able to raise my arms in public, and feel at least a little bit confident in skimpy underwear.

After a mournful attempt at shaving myself with a disposable razor, cutting myself, and regretting picking the flimsy plastic thing up in the first place, put it down and wash my face quickly with a small cloth. Slowly, I stand, wincing at how cloudy the bathwater is, and step out onto the grey bath mat, glancing at myself in the mirror and frowning at how clean and strange I look. Bony and sick, whatever curve I had is gone.

The small jar doesn't have a label and contains a white lotion smells like dittany. I smear it onto my scar, wincing as it stings and then abruptly stops. I can almost see it healing in front of my eyes. I then glance at the small pile of clothes. A T-shirt, white, large, a pair of grey women's underwear, folded as though it just came out of a new package. No pants, the cheeky son of a bitch.

I pull the shirt on, glancing at the underwear and then deciding not to bother. I have the funniest feeling I won't need them. 


So the next chapter is pretty raunchy so I'll probably upload it with another one so those of you that don't like that stuff have something to read. Thoughts?

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