Chapter Thirty-One

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He's gone again.

I cry out his name as my knees buckle and I collapse onto the cold sand beneath me. The book and cloak he pressed into my lie in front of me on the ground. I curl forward, pressing my face into my knees and sobbing. I just want to be with him again. My tears ebgin to blur my vision and the world begins to slip away, I slump sideways, and everything falls into nothing.


I told my family I had been transported to a forest, but when they realised I was there, they disarmed me and apparated away again. I lied and lied and eventually the anger began to seep away.

I press the ice into the side of my face where Bellatrix struck me, and let out a breath as I lower myself onto my bed. I see, haphazardly thrown on the bed beside me, the copy of The Fellowship Of The Ring that she borrowed. I reach back and pick it up, running my fingers over the cover and flicking through the well worn, stained and in some cases, to my dismay, dog-eared pages.

I frown, seeing small notes written in the margins, her thoughts, but as I read closer, I see that it is more of a diary. I smile, feeling a dull ache in my chest as I read her scrappy handwriting.

August 3rd- Still can't really walk, Harry's always angry- Ron's being a drama queen, but what's new.

I chuckle,

August 11th?- If he stays dead I'll have you know I'm burning the whole series! Tolkien can't kill off the only wizard representation like that!

August- Ron lost it, completely, because he'd been wearing the Horcrux all day. He said he was going to leave, and I tried to convince him otherwise, but... He took me with him. Son of a bitch.

Snatchers tried to catch us a few days ago, I- Draco, I killed someone.

I frown, seeing my name.

I killed a man. And now we're staying with Bill and Fleur and I keep seeing them hug or kiss or even just smile at each other. I miss you. I want you back.

I close the book, hoping that maybe I'll be able to savour her words, her notes, read them every day and pretend as though she's here. Because she is. She's alive. She is alive and breathing and smiling and when we lay together in bed the other night, her face buried into my chest, pink cheeks, messy hair, all I could think was that this war almost killed her. I won't lose her again. I won't. I can't.

She's beautiful, her voice and her giggle just make you smile. Even her moans and her squirming, her squirming and how her eyes take on a lusty fog. She's so beautiful.

I place the book on the right side, her side of the bed, under the pillow. I close my eyes, ignoring the pang of guilt as I think of her lying empty on the floor downstairs. I won't let that happen again. I won't sacrifice her for these people. I'm sick of it.


I wake in a small, black iron bed, soft, heavy sheets pulled up over me, new clothes on, my hair out, clean, my skin feeling strangely soft. I blink in the dim light, slowly pushing myself up and wincing as I let my legs fall from under the covers. My body aches.

I notice a bandage on my arm, I see the faint tinge of pink. I push myself onto my feet, slowly checking that I am able to stand, and then taking a few small steps towards the closest window. I pull the heavy white curtains aside, letting cool morning light stream in. The dormer window peaks out of the slate roof and I can see the ocean crashing against the beach. I lower myself onto the small window seat, padded with a blue and cream cushion.

I slowly untie my bandage letting it fall loosely to my elbow, and I stair at the scraggly, dark letters bitten into my skin. I lift up my arm, the word liar illuminated in the morning sun. As my arm begins to ache I drop it to my lap, pulling my knees up to my chest and resting my chin on them.

I can see in the distance, on the sand dunes, in a space free of reeds, Hermione, Harry and Ron are standing around what appears to be a stone. I frown, resting my forehead against the glass and watching as Ron and Hermione embrace Harry and then begin to walk back towards the house. Ron sees me, waving and calling back to Harry, who looks up.

I don't wave back at them, I just watch them run towards the house and then hear them coming up the stairs. I turn as the door opens. Harry steps in, and Hermione holds Ron back, closing the door behind Harry so we're alone. He walks around the bed hurriedly and I slip my legs down to the wooden floor. He reaches me and he pulls me to him, and I collapse into his chest. He holds me tightly, resting his head on mine.

"You're insane, why would you do that? Why did you come back?"

I pull back, using Harry's shoulders to steady myself, "You would've done the same."

He rolls his eyes, "She very nearly killed you."

I go to say I'm used to it, but refrain, instead saying, "I'm alright, I couldn't let her hurt you, or the others."

"You don't have to save anyone again ever, you'll kill me from the worry."

"Noted," I chuckle,

Harry takes a breath and I move away from him, sitting down on the bed and beginning to retie my bandage.

"How was Draco?"

Harry sees I'm struggling and sits down next to me, wrapping the bandage himself, somewhat messily.

"I don't know," I say softly, "The same, tougher, though. But weaker too, in a way. I just don't know."

"Do you still love him?"

I roll my eyes at Harry, "I never stopped."

Harry grimaces and I hit him lightly, making him smile. I nod out the window.

"What happened?"

Harry's smile disappears, "Oh... You wouldn't know," He murmurs,

My stomach drops, "What?" I say slowly,

He pauses, "Dobby's... dead, Clara."

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